She Had The World

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         I wake to the comforting sound of Brendon quietly snoring and the quiet screams of children playing on the beach. I open my eyes just the tiniest bit and run my fingers along his jaw line. His skin is rough with stubble and particles of sand.

“Bren,” I whisper softly. His eyes open and he smiles a cute, sleepy smile. “Good morning.”

“Mornin’,” Brendon rolls out of my arms and sits up to stretch. "Any clue what time it is?"

I pull out my phone to check, "11:56"

Brendon scrambles to his feet and nearly loses his balance doing so. He pats himself down until he feels his phone in his pocket. Brendon's eyes double in size when he looks at the screen.

"What's the hurry?" I ask while raising my back onto my elbows.

Brendon looks up from his phone and at something behind me. "I-I've got to go," He quickly grabs his shoes and avoids eye contact with me. "Uh, I enjoyed last night. 

He runs straight past me and almost kicks sand in my face. Goodbye to you too, I guess. I stand up and dust myself off.

What's up with him? If he had somewhere to be, he could've explained a little more instead of just running off without saying anything.

        I walk down the street staring at my shoes and listen to the steady tempo of my steps mixing with the sounds of the birds in the trees lining the road. What's that? I smell a bittersweet scent floating in the air. I follow my nose until I arrive in front of a coffee shop. I push open the door and here the ting of the bell sitting against the door. I wait in line and order straight up black coffee. I take it to go then continue my stroll. I keep walking till I find myself in a neighborhood. Jon's neighborhood.

 Soon enough, i'm standing on his porch ringing his doorbell.

I hear someone switching a lock, "I should've guessed it was you." He chuckles then motions for me to come inside.

I sit on his couch and he sits across from me. "So what brings you to Casa Walker, mi amigo?"

I shrug half heartedly, "I''m just kind of confused."

 "Ryan, we already went over this. That guy is the reason yo-"

 "That's not my question." I roll my eyes. smart ass.

"Oh. Then what's wrong?"

"I met the guy last night and-"  

"You did? First step to a relationship." He smiles like he knows everything already. 

"Uh sure. But as I was saying, We met again last night at a bar and bought each other drinks and after a few-"

"Oh, so you guys already went on a date? Damn Ryan. I didn't know you liked that kind of stuff." He raises his eyebrows at me.

"Will you shut up for five seconds?!" Jon's eyebrows drop quickly and he straightens up. "Thank you. Anyways, there was a group of guys playing pool and after a couple drinks me and Brendon decided to join them, but when we did one of the men called me and Brendon a couple and well, Brendon didn't like that. Brendon got all up in his face and told the dude that he was straight and it didn't work so I dragged Brendon out of the bar. But long story short, Brendon and I ended up walking down to the beach and Brendon had a melt down so I, well, comforted him but things were said and then we ended up kissing then falling asleep on the beach." 

"Well, that's not that bad. Actually, that's not bad at all."

"I know that. This morning is the problem." 


"It was all going perfect but then he asked what time it was so I told him it was nearly noon and then he basically, just, sorta, ran away." 

"Without saying anything?" 

"No, he said he had to go and that he enjoyed last night but that's it. I-Jon, i'm just really confused." I hold my head in my hands. I feel the cushions of the couch shift then an arm around me. 

"It's okay Ryan.. I'm sure it was just something for work and he didn't have time to say goodbye. He'll be back."

I lift my head. "Maybe." 

He pats my back and stands up. "I just brewed some coffee if you want some." 

"Just had some."

"Ah," He nods. "Yet you still don't have any energy?"

 "I do, I just don't have anything to be excited about considering I got ditched earlier. You know, that hurts to think somebody that I slept on the beach with doesn't even care enough to give details," Jon licks his lip awkwardly. He thinks i'm overreacting. I scoff and shake my head. "Listen to myself. I've only known the guy for a day and i'm freaking out over him, I bet by now he's forgotten about me. He's probably out walking around looking for his next victim. Yeah, there. That's why he-"

"Ryan!" I jump at the volume of his voice. 

"Fucking christ..." I cross my arms and turn my head away from him. 

 "Sorry, you need to go sleep off this crazy." Jon grabs my shoulder and basically drags me to the door. "You can come back once you stop talking like a psycho." He opens the door and nudges me out. "Meet me at that pizzeria you like when you wake up." He closes the door on my face.

I stare at the door. Jon's right. Who could love me? I'm out of my mind. 


         "Hey Ryan. How'd the nap treat you?" I sit down across from Jon in the booth. I manage to make my face smile. 

"Fine. I'm just really tired now." I look down at the menu. Hm. I'm not that hungry. I'll just steal a slice from Jon.

"That's what naps will do to you." He chuckles. "Have you tried their magherita pizza?"

"Uh huh."

"It's great isn't it?"

I nod and place the menu on the table and lean back. I've come to the closing statement that I only have one friend and he's a fucking loser. And i'm pretty sure he's almost at his edge with my attitude which really sucks. Sure, he's a geek but he's the only friend i've got so i've need to learn to deal with him and his untrimmed beard. I watch him talk to himself and laugh at his own jokes from across the table till I hear him say a word that sparks my attention, "Brendon." 

"Wait, repeat that?"

"I said, isn't that Brendon? Ya'know that guy that you've been pouting about all day?"


"Over there." He points to a corner table.

 "Oh yeah, that is him."

"Thought so."

 There he is. The reason i've lost my mind in less than twenty four hours. 

I watch him sit there and play on his fancy shmancy IPhone, every once in a while smiling at something popping up on that tiny, luminescent screen.

My eyes move away from him for only a second to watch a pretty brunette walk into the restaurant. She's got hair that just barely passes her shoulders and as from what I can tell, blue eyes. I watch her small figure waltz over to a table and kiss the cheek of a man who happily embraces her. But when his face pops over her shoulder my peaceful state of mind quickly turns into anger because that man isn't just some man.

It's Brendon.

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