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A/N: Okay look I'm aware that this is awful, I wrote it in like an hour after I finished my math test. This is like my first time publishing any sort of fic so I hope it's not awful enough that you all hate it
To say Taylor's been having a though time would be putting it lightly. She's finally adding finishing touches to reputation and she cant wait to have it out in the world. The fun part was always having a finished complete album. The not so fun part? All the planning that came with it. Even with keeping her relationship with the press tight lipped, that didn't mean Tree wasn't hounding on her with meetings.

Even though reputation was her favorite album of hers yet, the writing and production process had been pure hell. Anytime Taylor had to think back to previous stages in her and Karlie's relationship, all the parts where they weren't as perfect and happy as they are now, she got struck with a heavy cord of pain and sadness.

Today in particular was the worst, as she was scheduled to clean up Dancing With Our Hands Tied. While at first Taylor had wanted to leave the song off of the album, citing it being to personal and emotional, Jack had encouraged that she'd keep it on, for Karlie.


The only person who could possibly push Taylor to do this, the only one who could make her smile when this whole day was causing her extensional dread. Taylor glanced down at her watch. 10 am. Which meant it was 2 am in Sydney where her girlfriend currently was, and being the person she was, she was definitely asleep. Taylor had come to the conclusion that nothing sucks more than when you need your girlfriend to motivate you to get out of bed and to get to work in two hours, but it's even  worse when she's on a completely opposite side of the world and you can't even talk to her.

It wasn't that Taylor loathed DWOHT, it was just that having to go back to that night brought back every ounce of hurt she felt right there at Terminal 5.
Karlie knew. She knew that despite Taylor loving her new album more than anything she'd ever released before (even Karlie was starting to get worried she was getting replaced), but she knew that there was a particular song that Taylor was having a hard time with. She didn't know the name or what it was about, hell Taylor wouldn't even tell her the title of the album, but she had suspected it had to do with their fateful night at the 1975 concert a few Decembers ago. The last time Karlie talked to her girlfriend she was seconds away from telling her she was coming home 3 days early, but when Taylor poured her heart out over how bad she was dreading today Karlie decided to add one more thing to keep a secret.

Even now, here Karlie was, stepping off her plane at JFK, her body begging for sleep or anything to fight the intense jet-lag she was facing, the model pushed every thought over her mind and was so godly ready to get home, anywhere Taylor was.
Ninety-nine percent of the time Taylor walked into Max Martins studio, she was nothing but thrilled. Working was exciting. Who wouldn't love getting to spend their days playing with new sounds and lyrics that in a few months time would populate clubs, radios and Instagram captions alike. Yet, today even getting into her car wanted Taylor to run back to her bedroom, and hide until her favorite 6'2 person could drag her out of it.

Taylor couldn't even find out why she was being so dramatic. The song was written, the production was practically finished, she just had to make sure she liked the sound of it all together. She'd never had a problem like this with any of her other sad songs. Maybe it's because it wasn't a breakup song, maybe because she's never been so vulnerable in a song before really, or maybe she was nervous for everyone to know what really happened that night.

Taylor's heart sank when the car came to a complete stop. This was it, she had to do it. She tried to think of the positive. She was one step closer to being able to release reputation, and that meant one step closer to being able to let Karlie finally know more than "Hey babe! I have a new album coming out soon!" So, even though this possibly the one thing she was dreading most for the rest of the week, she stepped out of the car and into the studio.
Hidden in the far corner of the messy studio sat Karlie on a couch, mindlessly scrolling her Instagram feed. Once she decided on surprising Taylor here, she told Tree, who connected her with Max. Max embraced Karlie as soon as she stepped into his view and kept telling her over and over how beautiful all the songs about herself wore. Some how it made her even more nervous, stopping to realize that her girlfriend was Taylor Swift and that her highly anticipated album was all about her. Sure, only a select few of people would actually know that, but it nonetheless scared the hell out of Karlie.

The door swings open and in walks Taylor. Any disdain she's been feeling about this particular studio session doesn't show on her face as she greets her colleagues. While exchanging pleasantries something in the back of the room catches Taylor's eye. There was no way that Karlie, who was in across the world in Australia the last time she spoke to her was here, sitting in Max Martins office. It wasn't until Taylor the hideous platinum hair she practically begged her to not get, she realized it was really. Her Karlie was really here.

Taylor but all but bolted to the broken down couch and embraced her girlfriend in a tight hug. Without hesitation, she her pulls in for a ferocious kiss. One that said 'I missed you, I love you so much, Don't ever give me a heart attack like that again, I couldn't have made it through today without you.'

"Karlie, what the fuck are you doing here?"

Karlie giggled, it was always so fun to see Taylor so flustered. "I was going to tell you the last time we talked, but you looked all dreary and sad and everything and I figured it'd be better if you just didn't know," Karlie stood studying each and every one of Taylor's features. It was amazing that even though she had her girlfriends face inch-by-inch engraved in her mind, seeing it so close after being so far apart was still so breathtaking. At a loss for words, she pulled her into another kiss. It almost reminded her of their first kiss; slow, loving, and passionate. Noting but pure admiration for each other.

"As much as I love you and you being here," Taylor slides up on her toes to peck her girlfriend on the cheek because she just can't believe it, "I kind've actually have work to do so you have to go..." Taylor mocks a pout as if she's upset about making Karlie leave before she can hear anything, acting as if she isn't amused by not letting her hear any songs. Maybe she'll give her a sneak peek to one song tonight (but definitely not one about her, she's thinking This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things, just out of spite) as a gift for always making her the happiest girl in existence.

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