~Chapter 2~

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Laura's POV


Taylor had already cheered me up by not even knowing what was going on, however I knew somethings up with Tay. Her sofa is a mess and so is her kitchen which is very rare as she loves her space to be tidy but I don't worry about asking at least for now.

We made our way to the messy sofa and we sit opposite each other legs crossed and started talking...

"Are you staying over?" Taylor said giggling as she's obviously noticed my gym bag.

"Why, are you offering?" I say laughing along with the blonde but also being kind of serious.

"Oh shit Laur, did something happen with Ben?" Taylor said being more serious and with concern in her eyes.

"I mean.... Yeh.... But I left him he just kept pushing my buttons and started to say nasty things about you and I lost it so I left."

"Shit" Was all Tay could say.

"Yeh shit" I said with a smirk as I was kinda relieved that I left.

"Well you know you're more than welcome to crash, it's not as if I have a secret lover hiding upstairs." I saw hurt in her eyes when she said that. Something's up with her.


"That's me"

"What's wrong?"


"You're acting different"

"Different, how?"

"Well for starters your house is a wreck and your eyes are puffy from what I assume crying." I said calmly and with sympathy wanting Taylor to let whatever is bothering her out and tell me what's wrong.

"How can you see straight through me?" She paused and as she could see I was waiting for an explanation she avoided eye contact and explained herself.

"The truth is... I don't know what I'm doing... I have no fucking clue anymore. When I was with Carrie I felt like shit because she was just a distraction-

"From who?" I quickly blurted out taking Taylor of guard.

"Oh just this girl but anyway I felt like crap for using her like that, and I'll never forgive myself for the way I treated her. I'm a bad person Laur"

"Don't say that! That's not true! You're an amazing person Tay and don't ever say you're a bad one... anyone would be so fucking lucky to have you next to them when they wake up or take out on fancy dates and you gave that to her." As I was saying my speech I couldn't help notice that Taylor kept on looking at my lips and I'll admit it was very distracting whenever she would bite it sub consciously. It was more than distracting. It was turning me on.


Taylor's POV

Whatever Laura was saying to me I didn't care, I was too busy staring at her lips. Her perfect plump lips that I wish could connect with mine right this second. Yeh we kiss on camera and stuff but for years now I've been thinking of the moment my lips met hers out of love and passion and not just because the script says so.

"Laura" I say cutting her of her speech.


I look at her with pure fear as to what my next move will be. She placed her hand on my cheek and wiped away a tear.

"Tay, seriously what's wrong? Have I done something? You know you can tell me anything!"

I could feel the hurt in Laura's voice but I couldn't risk what we have. The friendship, the love the trust. I could blow all that in less than 20 seconds if I wanted to, but I couldn't risk it.

I can't...

"There's this girl and she's all I can think about, that's all."

"She's enough to make you cry. She must mean something!"

"You have no idea" I say knowing that the love of my life is sitting right in front of me.

"Are you sure I haven't done something?" Laura said so careingly to me.

"No babe this is all me, I promise"

I forced a smile but it seemed to be convincing as Laura returned a smile and pulled my waist and hugged me with nothing but love.

Who am I to risk all of that...

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