Chapter 2

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"Megan come and help me dish out some coffee for everyone" Mrs Rocklin (Abby's mum) asked me as I followed her to the kitchen, I looked over my shoulder to see Louis give me an apologetic stare, he knew I didn't really like being around Abby's mum, since I met her after the accident she has always sent me cold glares, as if I purposely crashed the car and killed Abby. 
It made me feel very uncomfortable let alone guilty of the fact I was being blamed of someone else's death.

I walked into the kitchen and started heading to the fridge to get milk. Mrs Rocklin didn't glance at me or even say a word as she continued to grab sugar sachets from a jar. I sighed.
"I really am sorry mrs Rocklin" I said,
"If I could go back and change that day, I would, you don't have any idea how much I want to" 

She stopped what she was doing and glanced down at the floor.

"You don't have any idea how much I want my daughter back" she replied, letting her hands droop to her side.
She let out a sniff before carrying on,
"Abby was never home, and before the accident she wouldn't even talk to me, I don't even know what I did? It's as if someone else was in her body, someone rude and nasty. It even got to the point where I would sit up in my room at nights and just cry.
I never tried talking to her about what was wrong, where she was at nights, nothing. I just thought she was going through a teenage faze. You guys are only 18 after all! And then she started being rude to others aswel. 
I understand that you didn't cause the crash, I do, I didn't used too but after the court trial when you explained what had happened, it had sounded too much like the Abby that had possessed my daughter, I just didn't want to admit it, I'm sorry Megan, i know I've probably made you feel a lot of guilt from the way I have acted towards you."

Without even realizing tears were rolling down my face, I was speechless, but she was right, Abby wasn't the same girl that she used to be, I knew her since primary and she used to be so kind and caring, up until our second to last year of college. When it all started to change.
A set of new tears streamed down my face and mrs Rocklin looked up at me, she was also a waterfall wreck, her eyes glistening from the wetness. 

My hands suddenly lost grip on the milk I was still holding, and the whole bottle hit the ground, smashing, leaving milk all over the kitchen tiles. Damnit.
"No use crying over spilt milk" Mrs Rocklin laughed, while sniffing, i looked up at her and then back at the ground and couldn't help but laugh aswel, it was quite a sight, 
"Look you run along now, I'll clean this up, word got out about you going with you boyfriend on his Aussie tour thing, have fun ok? You need it, And I really am sorry about everything I've put you through, all the guilt you have probably felt because of me." mrs Rocklin said with a sad smile on her face, I had mistaken her for being so mean, reality was she actually was a really sweet woman, who was just finding it tough getting over her daughter. 
I sniffed and went over to her and embraced her in a big hug, it wasn't awkward and forced like the first hug I gave her when I arrived, this hug had a lot of feelings into it, sad and happy. 
I let go and stared at her letting out a small thank you, before exiting the room and going back to find Louis and the girls.

"Megan! There you are do you have the coff-" Louis started before he stopped to look at me properly, "Whats wrong!" he said with concern echoing into his voice and pulled me into a hug, I sniffed into his shoulder and tears plopped down onto the ground. 
"I think for the first time since the accident I finally feel happy" I told him before letting out a little laugh after seeing his raised eyebrow, "Yea, cause you sure look happy" he said, Pulling me back to look at me properly,
"look lets just go, we have a trip to go on remember!! All that happened was me and Abby's mum had a talk and I think she felt like she should tell me how she really felt, and well the truth just came out, and now it feels like a huge weight has been pulled off my shoulders,... so come on! We have some flying to do!" I said and Louis smiled at me before grabbing my hand and taking me to the car outside, and a couple of fans shrieked when they saw us, the really stalker type fans, who somehow figure out where we are no matter how secretive we make it. 
Louis went over to them for a chat while I asked Paul to get the girls.

2 hours later

"Are we there yetttt?" Katie said yawning and leaning back on her seat. 
"Paul I'm uncomfortable!" Louis groaned resting into my shoulder to get a better position. 
Kate and Lina were sleeping in the back back so luckily they didn't have to put up with these two.
"Not long to go! And Louis your acting as if your never been I a normal car before" Paul laughed.
"No I'm not!!! But it was unfair that the rest of the boys gotta take the limo while we have to take what ever this is" Louis complained and I laughed aswel, 
"Van, it's called a van" Paul replied before concentrating back on the road, swerving a bit so that we didn't collide with another car, Louis was a very big distractement when it came to long car trips. He likes to chatter a lot.
Louis sighed before giving a mischievous grin and pulling out his blackberry and snapping a pic of Paul, "to get back at him" Louis whispered into my ear before uploading the pic onto twitter, adding a caption saying 'Paul the babysitter/driver cant drive well, someone savvvveeee ussssss' 
I laughed and immediately it got 50+ retweets. 
I took Louis phone to show Katie and she let out a laugh aswel.
Suddenly Paul's phone vibrated from the front of the car making us all laugh again, he must be receiving the twitter update, "Hangon we need to pull over, this could be important" he said.
When we had stopped Paul took his phone, taking his time to open it up, type something, then close it again, without saying anything.
I glanced at Lou and he shrugged, before a vibrating went off next to him. He grabed his phone an opened it.
"PAUL!!!!!!!!!" he shouted and I laughed, quickly logging onto my twitter to see what had happened.. Sure enough Paul had tweeted, and it was a picture of Louis putting mascara on, with an added caption of 'Louis looking arguably his most masculine Ever.' 
I let out a loud laugh and looked over at Louis who was grumping next to me, Katie also laughed so I'm assuming she also saw it. 
"Paul you said you wouldn't show anyone that, i just wanted to see what it would look like" Louis complained.
Paul laughed "This was after a show, when a fan had complimented Louis eyelashes, saying if he were a girl, mascara would look stunning on him, sure enough later on in the day I catch Louis putting some on using Lou Teasdales makeup box. It was definitely a picture worthy moment" Paul explained while Katie and I laughed. 
It was amazing that neither Kate or Lina had woken up yet.

Surprisingly enough the rest of the car trip was very quiet and relaxing, with help from sulking Louis, who hadn't said a word.
I had tweeted a reply to the picture, saying 'The perks of having a boyfriend with better eyelashes than you' before I decided to have a rest myself, we had a long plane trip ahead of us, let alone us arriving at the airport!

~Thanks to all my 17 fans! this was chapter 2! hope you enjoyed! i have attatched the photo that Louis took of paul in the 'van' and its the photo on the side haha :) ~

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