Chapter 1

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Louis!!" I smacked playfully as he danced along to surfing in the USA by the beach boys on the radio, he was very distracting and it was hard enough driving when a girl called Abby who we were giving a lift was criticizing every driving mistake I made, who knew that I wasn't allowed a certain light brightness on while going down the moterway. 

"SURFIN IN THE USA" Louis belted out of tune, making me laugh, he was supposed to be the boy in pop band one direction, with musical talent, but instead he was singing off tune, in my car to probably the most annoying song. 

"You didn't indicate" Abby interrupts making me roll my eyes, I wasn't perfect at driving, I knew that, and if she wanted a drive to the school social dance with me and Louis she better stop talking otherwise I'm kicking her out of the car. 

"Did i? Opps well no one is perfect" I say trying not to raise my voice.

"excuse me Megan, If you had checked in the dictionary lately you would see that I infact am the definition of perfect, go ask all my fans for proof" Louis says grinning.

There he goes talking about his fans again, he adores them, every one, on one of our dates out to dinner all these fans waited outside the restaurant because they had found out where we were and he made sure that when we left he met every single one of them. He's a nice guy.

"Holy crap Megan your such a bad driver I wouldn't be surprised if we all got killed" I heard Abby say in the backseat, then shortly after I heard a click of the seatbelt and all of a sudden she was leaning over across the car trying to grab hold of the steering wheel

"Abby get off of her!!" Louis shouted while abbys arms were covering the view of the road.

"No the car needs to be driven correctly, not by some maniac driver" she shouted back, climbing over into the front with her hands still on the wheel.

"Maniac?? Are you kidding?!? your the one climbing over the driver and blocking her veiw from the road, you cant be serio---" Louis words got cut out as he turned to look out at the road from the back window..

All i could hear was a loud and long truck honk noise which was coming closer and closer.

I started screaming even though I couldn't see a thing. Abby did aswel and it was only seconds later when the huge truck made contact with the back of our car making my head belt forward and then whip back from my seatbelt which stopped me from hitting it on the wheel.

My head was on its side and I saw Louis whos arm was covering his face and neck and had his head leaning on the side of the car door, a little bit of blood trickling down the window. 

Abby who had no sestbealt on because she had taken it off to overtake driving the car got thrown through the windscreen, shattering glass everywhere, leaving her sprawled out on the front of the car.

It was only then when the airbags shot out pushing big white blow up bags in my face and neck i finally passed out. 

And That was the day that Abby died.

~~~ 12 months later to the day~~~

Louis held my hand as we walked down the church passageway. It was exactly one year since Abby's death and her parents were throwing some sort of get together As a remembrance of her. 

But I didn't want to remember, I didn't want to remember any bit of it, that day was one of the scariest In my life, I thought I was going to die, it was 4 days later when I woke up I a hospital bed when the nurse gave me the bad news that Abby had died.

Louis had minor injuries, just a slash on his forehead from the broken glass which shattered against his skin when Abby crashed through the windscreen.. He was kept of Tour with Liam, Zayn, Niall and Harry for a month until the doctor gave him the all clear. 

Them and all the fans were really understanding though and #getbetterlouis was even a worldwide Trend on twitter for a couple of days. 

Me on the other hand had a cricked neck, nothing to serious but I had to wear a neck cast for several months, making me embarrassed to go out of my house.. It was only with the help of Louis I managed to step out of the house without feeling self conscious when all the paparazzi wanted a pic of 'Louis Tomlinson and his broken girlfriend'.. that's what they actually said about me in one of the articles... 

I turned around To see my 3 friends, Katie, Lina and Kate standing behind me for moral support, Kate wasnt here because of only me though, she was actually one of Abbys closest friends, so it was also to pay her respect... 

Kate and I had recently become close after the accident, she used to be Abby's best friend infact, but I guess since I was the last person (apart from louis) to have probably ever seen her alive, Kate and I had gotten pretty close, but I still didnt feel like I knew her completely, she never liked to share her or anyones secrets, unlike of what me, Katie and Lina do all the time when we are together, we are gossipers putting it plainly.

My friends looked back at me and gave me a supportive glance and Louis hand gripped tighter against mine as we walked into the building. 

"It's ok babe, after this we are on the way to Aus, let's just get through this together first" he said into my ear, making me shiver abit from the was his breath felt on my skin.

Oh did I forget to tell you, Louis and the rest of One direction were taking me, Kate, Katie and Lina with them for their Australia/New Zealand promotional tour. It was something he managed Paul to let him do because he was sure that it would make us all a little more relaxed. 

My friends were ecstatic about it! Katie was a huge directioner, even before me and Louis started going out (she was so freaked when we did) and even had a whole wall in her room dedicated to 1D in her room. 

It was quite intimidating really, walking into her room and having all these familiar faces staring at you, there was even a picture of Louis and I ordering Starbucks on her wall. 

Lina was a directioner aswel, but she wasn't as open about it, her room wasn't covered head to toe in posters but she knew enough about the band to let you know she was a proper directioner, and I knew she had a soft spot or Niall, so I was hoping to get the two together somehow.

Kate had never been a big fan of boy bands but when I mentioned whether she wanted to spend time with them on your she seemed really excited, and ever since she can't stop talking about how excited she was about the trip, making me smile, it was so good seeing her happy after all that has been through with Abby. 

"You know I can't wait to go with you, it's been too long since we have had a long time together, and we have been Dating for over 16 months" I say to Louis and he gives me a genuine smile,

"I know, and the band are excited to meet your friends" he says giving me a wink. 

I nudge him, laughing, by band he means Harry, Harry always wants girl action, and Is a total flirt, but that's what we all love about him, and we don't judge. He even tried hitting on me before Louis and I started dating, which Louis teases him about, saying that girls are just more attracted to his charms, than Harry's. 

Being with them was always a laugh.

But firstly we had to get through this remembrance, then it was time to get away from my thoughts and have some fun! I thought to myself, pulling away from Louis grip and going up to give Abby's mum a hug.

 ~That was chapter 1!! thankyou to everyone who is reading!! comment your thoughts on Abby if you want! tell me what you think about her! :) please vote/comment if you enjoyed!~

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