never trust the devil

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okay so before we start i know i took long to post because  my mom  went to surgery twice and she is fine now but i have been spending the night at the hospital so if it takes me longer to write  another chapter well it's because of this and I'm so sorry it took me long i hope you enjoy 


"i missed you jack," i said 

 I looked into his eyes showing no emotion i found that weird i looked at Dean and Sam they gave me the same look 

i stepped back from jack and scanned him i lightly gasped and pulled the boys outside 

" guys jack doesn't have a soul, " i said 

" so what are we going to do about him, " asked Castiel i sighed i didn't want to do this but it was our only option 

" when Lucifer took jack's power he possibly took his soul and if that's so we have to find him and talk to him about rearranging the deal," i said the boy's looked at me as if i were crazy 

" no way Lucifer is still in the apocalypse world we are not letting you go," said dean i looked at him 

" there is no other choice dean and plus don't i always make it out alive, " i said smiling  

" fine but you are not going alone, " said Sam 

" the hell I am  last  time i made you all come with me you all almost fucking died I'm not letting that happen again you mean to fucking much to me  guy's and so does jack so I'm  going you would have done the same dam thing dean and did but you had death i don't so I'm going in alone " i said 

" fine but be careful Alexa, " said Castiel i smiled and we all hugged 

"I always am, " i said walking to the library to open the portal i sighed as i watched it appear I turned back around and smiled at my family i waved them goodbye and walked through the portal i walked through tree's and i finally found lucifer's hideout i walked up and knocked on the door opened and i saw Lucifer he smiled and let me in 

"I have been waiting for you," he said i looked at him 

" so you knew he doesn't have his soul anymore, " i said he nodded sipping his tea 

" hoe could you take his souls you said you would only take his powers, not his goddam soul, " i said getting angry 

" Okay, first of all, we don't say that word, god  and second i took his soul because i knew if i took his soul you would come, " he said i got up an slapped him he dropped his tea and looked at me showing his red eye's and i shoed him mine 

his eyes  went back to blue 

"I'm here to talk about the deal you twat, " i said sitting down and taking some tea i sipped some tea and looked at him 

" fine what do you want to know about the deal, " he said 

"I want you to change it, " i said he looked at me and laughed and stopped 

" wait you're serious " i nodded 

"I want you reverse the deal i want you  to give him back his power's and soul, and to leave him alone forever, " i said looking at him he looked amused 

" and what's in it for me, " he said i looked at him 

" anything you want  just nothing that has to do with the boy's, "I said he smiled 

"I want you to be my sidekick for two years here and to kill whoever i say, " he said i looked at him and took a moment to think 

i grabbed his hand and shook it he got up and gave me a contract to sign i grabbed the pen and signed it 

" well welcome to the second hell, " he said he grabbed my hand 

and led me back to the portal 


meanwhile back at the bunker 

" where is she godammit " yelled dean 

sam tried to calm him down and so did the girl's 

"I'm pretty she is okay, " said Olivia 

" hey's guy's,? " said jack walking in glowing 

" what's going on, " he asked looking at his glowing body his eye's glowing a gold-orange everyone gasped

" she did it, " said Sam 

" hey where is Alexa, " asked jack Castiel walked up to him 

" how do you feel jack, " he asked as Jack looked  at him 

"I feel happy but worried about Alexa, " he said everyone smiling 


back to Alexa 

" why are you letting me say goodbye, " i asked as we reached the portal 

" because i feel like being nice, " he said i sighed and opened the portal where i saw everyone they looked at me and then at Lucifer they all pulled out their weapon's 

"I'm so sorry guy's but i love you guy's so much, " i said smiling with tears falling down my cheek 

" what do you mean Alexa, " asked Olivia 

"I made a deal, " i said 

" she made a deal i get to keep her and Jack gets his soul and power's back, " said Lucifer i looked up to see jack crying  

" why Alexa, " he said coming closer but stopped when he saw the portal closing 

" because i love you jack Kline "  




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