A Pattern Of Good Works

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September 12

Titus 2:7-8 In all things shewing thyself a pattern of good works: in doctrine shewing uncorruptness, gravity, sincerity, sound speech, that cannot be condemned; that he that is of the contrary part may be ashamed, having no evil thing to say of you.

You are a PATTERN.

What is a pattern?
-a form or model proposed for imitation.

God has redeemed us... from darkness He brought us to light and as He is the Light, He made us like Him... and for the world who hasn't seen Him, we become a pattern for the world of God's image.
In our way of life, we are not only showing good works, we are showing to the world what God is like through our lives. Our actions as God's children ought to be a reflection of who God the Father is.
The PURPOSE of your existence up to this day is for others to see Jesus through your life as an example that is to be followed... for them to glorify God.
That is why Christian are born again... a new creation, the old is gone behold the new has come... encountering Jesus will never leave you unchanged. You are new in Him by His Word and Spirit in you.

God in us empowers us to do GOOD WORKS. In all areas of our lives in our doctrines, teaching... or about the truth in us or what is going on our mind, having a  purity, sincerity- that is our heart issue, speech- the words that comes out of us... the things that we do on the outside is a product of what is in our inside. God is into our inside-out transformation... because that makes a lasting impact. An outside change is not always a proof of an inside change... but an inward transformation will always lead to a outward transformation.

This manifestation of being a pattern will silence those who are against you. Your good works in the LORD being His pattern will be your way of silencing the enemy. Maintained good works shuts the enemy up... if they keep talking it is either you have not been consistent with your good works or that struggle is part of your strengthening in the LORD.

To God be the glory!

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