The Delight of the LORD

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October 1

Psalm 41:11-12 By this I know that you delight in me: my enemy will not shout in triumph over me. But you have upheld me because of my integrity, and set me in your presence forever. ESV

Life is a battle... being a Christian is not without struggles, problems... we are made to overcome them in faith. As life itself is a battle, and since Christ has overcome the world... it has been written that our faith will make us overcome it too. Overcoming it... and as our enemies did not triumph over us... is a sign that God delights in us... we are His joy and seeing us get defeated breaks His heart and so, by His Spirit and not by might we can and will triumph over our enemies in the LORD.

What does it mean to be the delight of the LORD?
1. It means He will preserve you.
God will protect you... though it is true that the enemies will attack you but they will by no means hurt you and if those moments come that you will feel the pain... they can't kill you. God will sustain you.
2. It means He will give you victory.
In every battle there's always a winner and a loser... and if our enemies don't triumph over us, it means they have failed and we have won in the LORD. He is a victorious God to begin with. He has overcome the world. And you will too in Him and through Him.
3. It means He will bring you to His presence.
God is with you. His presence goes before you and He is with you. He has set us into His presence and be with Him. And in His presence there's fullness of joy... there's everything we need, in Him. The very reason why we win and get protection is because God is with us. Since we are His delight... He wants to be with us... because of His love.

Knowing that... We are God's delight because first and foremost:
1. He loves us.
2. We are strong to face life's challenge.
3. We walk in integrity.

To God be the glory!

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