They have to KNOW

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September 13

Philemon 1:5-6 hearing of thy love and faith, which thou hast toward the Lord Jesus, and toward all saints; that the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus.

Let others know your love and faith!

The term 'hearing' used by Paul to his letter to Philemon was the way Paul have come to know what Philemon was doing... Paul have heard of his love and faith in the LORD... because there was no means of other communication then... our generation today has all the social media, the internet is a great tool that helps spread info so fast.
Hearing something is in a way knowing or having information about what was being shared.
Paul came to know about Philemon's love and faith because of what he has heard... he was able to hear it because somebody spoke of Philemon and they spoke because somebody saw it themselves. They have seen it because Philemon did something that goes in the line of love and faith in the LORD.

How about your love and faith? Has anyone know of it!  Was it even heard or seen? Did someone ever experienced it first hand with you?

Philemon's love and faith aren't just a mind thing... He had in him God and that is exactly what they saw in him through his living.

It is impossible to have loved God and have faith in you yet your life is never about service.
He loved God by loving others, as it been mentioned later on the letter, he refreshed the saints... provided and gave them rest... His faith moved him to service for other's sake.

Love is not a talk it is a walk. Yes, you say it but you importantly live it out. Same goes with faith... it has works for it to be a living faith. Your faithfulness is express by what you do.

But for it to be like as unto Philemon's love and faith it is not just about the action it is about the heart that does the action. His good works was only an affirmation and expression of his love and faith to God. He didn't do it to love God... he did it because he loved God. That is the ultimate ground why we do the things we ought to do - we love God... it is not to love Him... it is loving him. When that foundation has already been at work in us, be rest assured that your works will follow and some will definitely see it, others will hear of it... your faith and love will then be known to all.

To God be the glory!

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