Chapter 21

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I trained everyday for several months. I trained with Isadora, my highest ranking warrior as well as a new witch, the most powerful witch in the UK. Her name is Danelle. I trained everyday, 8-12 hours of training for each.

I only stopped for hourly breaks or when I was changing from fighting to practising magic. I was so dedicated to getting stronger and better that I enlisted a dietary specialist, to make sure I would eat the right stuff to help make training easier and to help build strength and muscle.

I was over twice my original strength after 2 months but I wanted to be stronger. Wolves heal and improve strength and everything in less time than it does for humans and witches but since I have an alpha moon status I do it all faster than all other wolves.

I was back in society for 10 months and so my strength was over 10x was it was before and my magic, Danelle says is possibly even stronger than hers. Over the past months she taught me different spells, how to create spells and also how to do a spell without speaking.

I was ready to challenge my mate for my title. I hadn't spoken to Gavin in the ten months but due to the mate bond we had marry to subdue to pull of the bond and we had to be near each other every once in a while for strength.

As I prepared for the challenge, I cut my now waist length hair into a short wavy bob. That way my hair wouldn't get in my face even if it was in a ponytail.

I put on a black sports bra, a blood red short sleeve top with a black skull on it and black leggings. I then went on a hunt to find Gavin and to challenge him.

I stormed into his office and shouted "I challenge you for the alpha title." He looked as if he had expected this and looked me dead in the eye, "No." I was shocked and taken back. "Why not? It is my title and I'm challenging you to get it back." He shook his head no before standing up from his desk, pushing his chair back.

He ran his fingers through his hair. "Because if you are Louise then you'll either go easy on me or cheat and use magic and I don't—" before he could finish I ran and put my hands on the side of his head. I searched through his mind until I came across a memory that was locked and painted into a new memory.

I got rid of the painted memory and broke open the locked memory of me faking my death and the after math. What I saw was a cloaked figure change his memory and then how a man was innocently killed for my death.

I was snapped out when I felt two hands on my arms. My throat was sore and tears were falling down my face. "Who was that man?" In-between sobs. He sighed, "That was Gerard. He was found near the pack house with several silver chains on his person and he confessed to wanting to kill you and actually took the blame for your death."

I was now sat on the floor tears down my face. Someone wanted me dead. Did people hate me that much. Suddenly a tall dark haired man appeared "Alpha, Jeffery wants to see you I told him to go f himself and that your busy but he won't leave" I turned to Gavin confused, "You've been using my title this entire time? You have no claim over that title, in cases of me being unable to fulfil my duty it goes to Hudson my beta." To say the least I wasn't impressed.

He was slightly taken back by my response "send him in, Killian. I'm your mate Louise and the duty falls to your mate." Then Jeffery entered, a tall man with a bit of a belly, "sorry to intrude but Alpha there are a couple of rogues in the prisons and I want to know what you want done with them."

"Jeffery, is it? What is your job? And how long have you been in the job?" I questioned him. He looked at me then at Gavin, "does SHE speak for you alpha?" Before Gavin could reply I punched him the face breaking his nose. "What was that for?" Gavin now had hold of my wrists to make sure I didn't punch him again.

"I am the alpha d*ckwad, show some respect." I was alpha for 10 years and supposedly dead for 6 months and yet this man doesn't know who his alpha is, "sorry I only quite recently moved into this pack for refuge, I'm an executioner slash prison guard." He said with his head hanging low.

I pulled my wrists free from Gavin's grasp, I looked coldly into Jeffrey's eyes and said "Well, you are no longer needed, I am the executioner as well as the alpha. How many people have you executed?" He started getting anxious, he stood fiddling with his hands and breathing heavier, quite close to hyperventilating.

He kept looking at Gavin for reassurance, "um um 10? I think, I don't know." I swiftly pulled my arm upwards, pushing my palm towards Jeffery, causing him to be thrown against the wall, "You are hereby guilty of 10 cases of murder with intent to kill and have been sentenced to death by the alpha. Any last words?"

I walked towards him lifting him off of the ground causing him to choke, "Louise stop!" I raise my other hand behind me causing Gavin to be shoved into the wall before I glared at him "You have NO authority over me!" I shouted before returning my gaze to Jeffery, I held him there until he was literally blue in the face.

I lowered my hand releasing him causing him to fall on the floor, unable to gasp for air. Trying to gasp for air, he managed to squeeze out "Stop" I released all holds on him allowing him to breath before over loading his lungs with oxygen causing his lungs to burst, breaking his rib cage, making his chest physically collapse, killing him.

Once I had realised what I had done I fell on the floor causing Gavin to fall as well. "No no no no!" I cried, "What have I done?" I quickly stood up wiped the tears from my eyes, "It's back." I turned to face Gavin, who looked confused "who? What's back?" He questioned as he pulled me into his arms and rested his chin on my head.

"It's a who and a what. It's a voice, the voice of someone who wants me to fall. It made me fake my death and I have no idea who it is." I stood with my head leaning against his chest and my face turned to the right. I wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Just tell me what I can do to help." He pushed me back, his hands were on my shoulders and he said "do you want chocolate and ice cream?" I nodded before falling back against his chest.

I stood there listening to his heartbeat, listening to its rhythm knowing it was one of the only things in my life that wouldn't change.

Authors note
I have now published a character book with the characters, their actors, birthdays and ages. Please check it out.

Louise - Selena Gomez
Gavin - Sebastian Stan
Killian - Ian Somerhalder
Jeffery - Chris Pratt

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