Chapter 24

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9 months later

"Your twins definitely aren't wolves. If they were they would have been born 3 months ago." Since we heal and age faster than the average human our pregnancies only last 6 months. I was started to get a bit worried about Jennifer's twins "You should probably go to Alex or another one of the doctors to see...."

I didn't get to finish my sentence, when Jennifer doubled over in pain, her hands clutching her stomach and groaning in pain. "They're coming and they're coming now!" She cried. We weren't going to have time to get her to the hospital, she was going to have the twins in the middle of my house.

I teleported us all to my bathroom and got the water running in the bath. "I'll be right back. We are going to need some help." And with that I teleported out of the room and into the maternity ward of the pack hospital. "I need Evelyn right now! Where is she?!" I shouted down the halls near where I stood.

I new young male nurse came up to me and told me she was in the middle of a delivery, "Tell her to get that baby out now because her alpha needs her to deliver a beta baby." I command him with urgency.

He disappeared down the hall and around five minutes later Evelyn appeared wear a clean pair of gloves and carrying strong pain relief on her back. "We have no time to waste. Take my hand." She wrapped her arm around mine and I teleported her to my bathroom, where Jennifer sat in the bath in pain.

The delivery of the twins took no longer than half an hour to deliver both. They were given a small bath before being handed to Jennifer and Hudson.

"You will fall."

"What?" I didn't recognise the voice. It was the voice of a teenage warrior but yet a soft and gently girl's voice. "Who said that?" Everyone in the room looked at me confused. The baby that Jennifer held in her arms started right at me, I noticed on the baby's arm two small bite marks.

"Evelyn, what are those marks on her arm?" Again she looked at me confused. "They can't hear us or see the marks. You will fall and your pack with you. We will make sure of it." They were speaking to me, I don't know what they are.

I teleported myself and the two babies into the panic rooms, most certainly confusing everyone in the bathroom. I turned around to make sure the door was locked and when I turned around two 15 year old girls stood in front of me.

"Who are you and what do you want?" I questioned. Before replying one of the hissed at me, and I saw fangs hanging from her gums. "We're vampires and we are going to end you-" before she could finish her sentence I used my magic to rip her undead heart out of her chest and into my hands. I watched as it continues to beat blood around her body.

I heard the blood rushing through the aorta, the vena cava, the pulmonary artery and vein and on by one I ripped them from her heart causing her the upmost agony any living or non-living person could feel. Once I plucked the last blood vessel from her heart, she fell to the floor dead; completely dead; unable to be resurrected ever again.

Her sister was very evidently suffering grief much more intense then we could ever physically feel. "Tell me how did you become unborn in my betas mates womb? What are you exactly?" She turned to look at me, trying not to look at her sisters heart, "we are vampires that have to be reborn, physically reborn and she was the vessel that had been chosen by the one turning us."

I still held her sister's heart in my hand; using magic I turned the heart into a bright, glowing red ash and blew it into her face. She inhaled the ash and I used magic to pull the abs down into both of her lungs; the ash burned though her lungs and into her heart. The ash blocked off all blood vessels and filled every chamber of the heart; pressing against the sides until the heart ripped, slowly killing her.

Once she was almost dead I pulled out her heart, again turning it to ash. I poured the ash over both vampires and it immediately ignited, burning only their corpses. Once they had burned to ash, I grabbed some of the ash and sprinkled it over my head; I used my magic to gain information about their species. 

Once I had learned all there was to know, I teleported back to everyone else. They looked at me with a look of panic, "where are the twins? Louise what did you do to them?" I looked down to my hands and noticed the black blood that stained them.

"They were born again vamps. They seek host in women who are unable to have children, some live and pretend to be human but some don't. They weren't planning on staying as infants. They also choose strong non-human women to be their hosts. I had to kill them before they killed all of us. They were never your children. They were two teenage girls who were already dead."

I felt bad that I had to inform them that I just killed what they had been carrying for 9 months, but it was also because of them that I still hadn't mated with Gavin even though we have been mates for around 2 years and all we have done is got married. I can't stand it anymore! My wolf is getting impatient and to say the least so am I.

"Because of them I'm getting weaker and weaker as I've had to postpone something that was supposed to happen two years ago and I-" before I could finish both Hudson and Jennifer hugged me in a big bear hug. "It's ok. We understand and we appreciate everything you've done for us." Jennifer said with a grin on her face, "now go and mate with your mate." She whispered into my ear.

When we broke away from each other and I walked over to Gavin, "that's exactly what I intend to do." And with that I teleported Gavin and I out of the out of the room.

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