Don't fear your strengh

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This is a Blood of Olympus one-shot, taking place on the Argo 2. This is a Jason/Percy Bromance one-shot. (I love their Bromance, so there will be a lot of one-shots about them.)

Jason and Percy were on guard duty. They were on their way to Athens, to fight the final battle, where it would end one way or another. Percy and Annabeth had recovered from Tartarus, they didn't look too thin anymore, had more muscles and no broken looks on their faces. They were okay. To see them fine made everyone on the Argo 2 happy and the mood wasn't so gloomy anymore. It was strange. Jason didn't felt like the end of the world was coming, like he could be sailing into his death. He felt at ease. No monster attacks in three days and they were flying, so Jason felt safe. He was in his domain.

A laugh next to him startled Jason. "Hey, Jason. You look like you were daydreaming." Jason grinned at his cousin. "I was, Perce. It feels strange, doesn't it?" Percy raised an eyebrow. "What? Being in the air or that we are facing Gaea in a few days?" Jason sighed and turned back around, facing the ice-blue sky. "It's a beautiful day, isn't it?" Percy stepped next to him and Jason could feel the heat radiating off him. "It still hurts my eyes," he muttered more to himself, but Jason heard him. "What hurts you eyes? The sun?" Percy nodded. "Honestly, I am happy to be here, even if it means to face Gaea herself. No poisonous air, no fire rivers and I am around all of you. If I die, then I die surrounded by friends." Jason looked at Percy. "I am happy to be your cousin, Percy, but we won't die. Not yet." Percy didn't responds. Jason sighed. Maybe Percy wasn't the same, none of them were.

Suddenly, the ship lurched to the side and Jason lost his balance and rolled over the deck. He crashed into the mast and his head hit the ground. A piercing pain raced through his scull and Jason groaned. What was that? He opened his eyes and blinked. He couldn't see straight. Everything was spinning. He heard footsteps and shouts. Jason felt a hand on his shoulder and slowly looked up. He could see the blurry form of Percy Jackson. "You ok, Jason?" Jason nodded and his sight cleared. "Just a bit dizzy. What happened?"
"We don't know," said Leo, who was kneeling on the other side of Jason. "Something hit the ship, but we can't see anything un-" He was interrupted by a surprised scream. Jason jumped up and almost tripped over his own feet, but he shrugged it off and searched for the source of the scream. "Where's Percy?", yelled Annabeth, running up to Jason. His eyes widened and he looked around frantically. "He was next to me just a minute ago!" Another scream erupted and Jason ran to the railing and looked down. Percy was falling.

Without a second thought, Jason jumped over the railing and willed the winds to make him go faster. If he couldn't reach Percy before he hit the water, Percy would be splattered. Just then he realised that Percy's fall would kill him, he could just will the water to catch him. Jason mentally face-palmed. Why hadn't he though of that? Jason looked at Percy again, but something was wrong. Panic was clear in his eyes and he didn't look like he was trying to control the water at all, so Jason didn't stop and continued to fly after him. Maybe this reminded Percy of his fall into Tartarus. Jason hold out his and and Percy reached for it, but couldn't get a hold of Jason's hand. Faster, Jason thought. He had to go faster. He reached out again, and this time, he got a hold of Percy's hand.

What Jason didn't expect to happen was, that Percy would pull him down with him. Jason willed the winds to carry them back to the Argo 2, but he just couldn't do it. He looked at Percy in panic. Percy was deathly pale and shaking. He was looking at Jason wide-eyed. "You have to let go!" He shouted, trying to get out of Jason's grip. "I will pull you down with me!" Jason shook his head. He would never let him go, let him fall again. "Why can't I control the winds?" He yelled. Percy looked like he was going to puke. "You can, just not when I am with you! She wants me, not you!" Jason's heart beat faster. She? Gaea. Jason tried even harder now, but he and Percy were still falling towards the ocean, and maybe Percy would survive that impact, but Jason defenitifly wouldn't.

Percy realised that Jason wouldn't let him go, and secretly, he was thankful for that. Percy was terrified. Gaea had learned something while Percy and Annabeth were in Tartarus. Percy was afraid of drowning. He knew that she'd use it against him eventually, and now all he could think about was that feeling of suffocating, getting no air in his lungs. Dying. He didn't want to die. "I will let the water catch you!" He screamed at Jason. He wouldn't let his cousin get hurt because he tried to save him.

The second they hit the water, Percy started to hold his breath. He had successfully managed to keep Jason from splattering into a Jason-pancake, and was now trying to get back to the surface. He gasped for air as he broke through it and looked wildly for Jason. For a horrifying second, he couldn't see him, but then Jason's head came out of the water and he gasped for air as well. "You ok?" He breathed, taking deep breaths. "Sure," stammered Percy. He tried to calm his racing heart. He was in his domain; water. Here, he was the most powerful. "We have to get b-" Some invisible force pulled Percy down. He tried to fight his way back to the surface, but he wasn't strong enough. Fear raced through him and he couldn't think straight anymore. He kicked around, trying to get higher, but he was merciless pulled to the deep, dark ground. Percy hold his breath and his lungs were burning. Useless tears started to spill and all he felt was pain. He was afraid, scared of the dark abyss. He shut his eyes tight. He didn't want to see the blackness and the monsters. A cruel laugh rang through the water. Pathetic. A hero they call you, strongest demigod of your generation. HA! Nonsense. You can't even control your own domain, are afraid of drowning! You are no son of Poseidon. You are a coward! Percy felt like his lungs would combust at any second, but he still didn't open his mouth. He covered his ears, but Gaea's cruel words rang in his head. What will you do, little hero? You are all alone... Percy screamed. He just couldn't take it anymore. The pain, the taunts, so he screamed. He screamed for all the people he'd lost, for all the wars he had to fight. Suddenly, a warm presence filled his body, easing Percy. Breath, son. Don't be afraid. Trust me. Percy opened his eyes. I trust you, father. And he breathed. He let the water fill his lungs, but he didn't drown, no, he could breath. His racing heart calmed down, his fear dissapeared and so did Geae's presence, but she left him one last message, This is not the end, little hero. You will break and I'll be the cause of it. I already know your fear, how long do you thing it will take to find out the other's fears? I will rule and you'll die! Then she was gone. Percy blinked away the tears. Thank you, father. He didn't get a reply, just the warm feeling he had had before filled him again and Percy knew he was never truly alone.

He swam back to the surface and blinked against the bright sun. "Better bright sun then dark abyss," muttered Percy. "What?" Asked Jason and Percy screamed like a little kid. "Gods, Jason! Don't scare me like that!" He had totally forgotten about his cousin. Jason bit his lip and wouldn't meet Percy's eyes. "Jason? Wha- Oh, you saw, didn't you?" Jason nodded slowly. "I guess Gaea wanted me to see her torture you. I-I could hear her, you know. Every word." Percy's cheeks burned. He was ashamed. How could he be a leader when he was afraid of his own element? He expected Jason to hit him, insult him or just simply fly away, but Jason did the exact opposite. He threw himself at Percy and gave him a bear hug. "I am sorry I couldn't stop her," he whispered. Percy closed his eyes and let one last, single tear run down his cheek. "It's not your fault. We are going to Athens and we are going to kick Gaea's ass." Jason pulled back and grinned. "That's what I wanted to hear."

Jason took Percy's arms and flew them back to the Argo 2, where Percy was immediately embraced by Annabeth. Jason smiled at the sight of them. "I think we all need some rest," he said. Everybody nodded. Jason smiled one last time reassuringly at Percy, and then headed down below deck.

Percy and Annabeth stood before Percy's bunk door. "Night, Seaweed Brain." Percy smiled. "Night." He watched as Annabeth turned around. "Wait, Wise Girl." She turned around. "Can you stay?" Annabeth smiled. "Always. I will never leave your side again."

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