chapter 1: "Konoha The Greatest"

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You were assigned a great mission that you always kept in mind and never forgot your job , you were walking looking at the sky thinking about all the different scenarios that may happen once you reach your destination, how people would react or how you'll execute your mission,just then you bumped into your escort's back, you stepped back a bit as you heard him say "this is it, we're here" , you look at the gates of Konoha worried about what's coming next , you take a deep breath as you walked in, seeing the guards sleeping wasn't much of a pleasant sight but you couldn't care less, all you ever cared about was your mission, just then you see a girl with lovely pink hair walk up to you the pink haired girl smiled at you and you casually smiled back "Hello there I'm Sakura Haruno what's I believe you're (Y/N)" you nodded smiling, Sakura smiled back at you "well I was assigned to be your escort from now on , is that ok with you?" Sakura said you nodded again , you both started walking as Sakura showed you around the village , you two walked to the training field as you saw a rather large white furred dog , you were shocked as the dog tackled you making you fall on your back ,just then you heard a male voice coming from between the trees "AKAMARU!" The Voice said as the dog rushed back to the man, you open your eyes to see Sakura looking at you worried "oh my, (Y/N) are you ok?) "Yeah, I think so" you said , Sakura smiled at you then looked at the young man "KIBA YOU IDIOT, YOU COULD'VE KILLED HER!" Sakura said "Hey!  Don't over exaggerate it Sakura , the most that could've happened to her was exactly what just happened, nothing at all" you got up and dusted your clothes then looked at Sakura "it's fine , I'm fine don't worry about me Sakura" you looked at the boy "Kiba, isn't it? " you said , the boy replied "hmph, what's it to you?" "Well-" you were cut by a high pitched voice You figured it's a girl "Kiba! Uh-" the girl looked at you in confusion as another boy showed up and stood next to her he was rather weird you couldn't really see his face properly, you all stood in silence before Sakura decided to introduce you to one another "oh-umm guys this is (Y/N) , (Y/N) this is Kiba, Hinata, and Shino they're team 8 I hope you get along well" Sakura giggled awkwardly , you looked at them and bowed to show your respect , Hinata and Shino bowed back while Kiba kept glaring at you, you stared at him with lazy cold eyes , he got even more frustrated "ARGHH, WHATEVER! Who even ARE you? " Sakura sighed before replying "as I said this is (Y/N) she is the daughter of a kage from a far village she's here to start an alliance with the leaf village she's from the village of-of uhh-" "Kirigakure the village hidden in the mist" you said boldly facing the ground you raised your head to see everyone but Sakura staring in disbelieve "but that means-" Kiba said before you cut him off "yes, it means that I had to eliminate my friends and classmates to become a genin" there was silence and Only silence "well then, nice to meet you (Y/N), welcome to Konoha" Shino said "B-but Shino! We can't trus- " Kiba exclaimed "Shut it Kiba, this is not our business and we surely don't have a say in it, so lets get back to training" Kiba and Hinata nodded "farewell" Shino said before bowing and walking back to the middle of the training field, Sakura looked at you with a worried face "please dont mind Kiba, he can be a hot head sometimes but he's really kind and nice once you get to know him" you smiled at her reassuring her that everything is alright, "ok then, I should escort you to the hokage's office" you nodded and you two started walking there, you arrive at the hokage's office and Sakura starts knocking on the door "COME IN!! " some one from inside the office said , you two walk in closing the door behind you ,you see a blond woman sitting on the desk and a dark haired woman standing next to her you figured that that's the hokage and her assistant , you bow out of respect before speaking "hello Ma'lady, I'm (Y/N) from the village hidden in the mist I Believe you've been informed about me ma'lady, am I correct? "  the blond lady replied nodding "ahh right , wecome to the hidden leaf village, I am lady Tsunade the fifth hokage and this is Shizune my personal assistant, you can feel free to ask for anything you need" Shizune said "its such as pleasant sight seeing the hidden leaf village and the village hidden in the mist to finally break their feud and become allies,I think you know everything about that feud don't you?  After all you're the daughter of the fifth misukage right? " "yes, that is correct" you said with a soft smile on your face just then someone started knocking on the door "come in" Shizune said , the door open and a man wearing a green suit walked in followed by a younger version of him , a girl with multiple scrolls on her back and a boy with quite tall and beautiful hair, but his hair isn't the first thing you noticed, it was his eyes , you stared admiring the boy's eyes before snapping back to reality, "My lady, you called for us right? , what is it- uh?" The man said,but lady Tsunade cut him off by pointing at you saying "her over there" ," who is this youthful soul my lady? " the guy replied, "her name is (Y/N), she's the one I talked to you about earlier" "hmph, I see…. " the man said walking up to you "so.. You're the new member of team MIGHT GUY!" The three teenagers gasped in shock, "but how guy Sensei? We're already a four-man squad we have a complete team" said a lovely looking girl with her hair tied up in two buns "well there tenten you'll have to deal with it , (Y/N) IS NOW A PART OF TEAM GUY" the old man said with his thumb up , you stood there holding in a smile, they were kind of too much for your poor soul, but they were kind of… nice , you never thought that someone would accept you , yet again they still know nothing about you… after you and Sakura finished the Konoha tour , you went to your apartment, the Hokage was kind enough to give you a place to live, or was she?, you took out an empty scroll and started planning how you're going to execute your mission , just then you heard a voice , it was a young man's voice You guessed, "TAG!  GUYS I FOUND KONOHAMARU!!" you shrugged it off before going back to your scroll , just then you heard another voice "HEY! NO FAIR! YOU WERE CHEATING! ", "FORGET IT BUDDY I WON FAIR AND SQUARE" you were so fed up with their loud voices you decided to tell them to lower their voices , just when you opened the door you were stunned from looking at such a beautiful young man, he had yellow-ish blonde hair, his eyes were as Blue and deep as the ocean, you started thinking if everyone in Konoha had pretty eyes , you realize you were staring at the boy so you looked away you realized you were looking at another boy but he looked way younger than the one with blue eyes, "hey, I don't think I've seen you before, who are you? " the boy with blue eyes said with a grumpy look "oh-uhm  I'm (Y/N) I came here From The village Hidden in The mist" "th-the mist? " the boy said with terror written all over his face "well, I-" you tried to explain yourself but words just couldn't form in your mind, you remember that look, the look everyone gave you, you were always the outcast , you were always left out, you were always the monster, your vision started blurring as you felt your face Heat up , you quickly shut the door and cried , you set that rule for yourself, never cry, never let anyone see you cry , and never let anyone know you've cried, you believed what people said, you believed that YOU'RE a monster , "the heartless monster" your people called you , it was obvious you weren't completely human, you knew it, but you could never admit it, you were hurt yet you never showed it , you never wanted anyone knowing you were hurt, but you were , you were broken , you cried untill you slept, that night, that lonely night you dreamed about being accepted by everyone you dreamed about having friends and being trusted after all these were your only goals in life to protect the ones closest to you, but you never had friends or a family, you were lost in you own Thoughts, you slept deeply forgetting about all your worries, that was the only time you felt at ease , sleep well , because tomorrow in gonna be a tough day

This was Chapter One: "Konoha The Greatest"

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