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Day Three                                                 4/07/18

Today was pretty normal. Beckham has practice again and James hadn't said anything to me the whole day.

I was sitting on the bus when we pulled up to the third stop. I watched to see which house James had ran to. I could immediately tell which, because in the window I had seen a distraught girl, her hair tangled in knots, she was skinny to the point where she was almost  bone and skin. It was scary. Seeing eyes sunken into a skull so deep they were nearly pure holes. There was a rope tied to a fan, and she was climbing onto a stepladder to tie it. I opened the window of the bus, "James!" I shouted, "Hurry! She's trying to do it!"

James' head flicked around, "Thank you!" He shouted, and sped up. It was a strange feeling, telling my friend that his sister was climbing up to a noose. But I did what I had to do.

Just as the bus was leaving, I saw James burst through his sisters door, pulling her down from the stool and holding her as she cried on the ground.

I guess this was worse than I thought.


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