Inside the mirror, behind the glass

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Inside the mirror, behind the glass
lies a girl a never knew
A face that tugs at memories
and whispers I know you.

Inside the mirror, behind the glass
lies a girls forgotten cry
a face that tugs a sleeping dreams
and begs to tell me why.

Inside the mirror, behind the glass
lies a girl with tears of black
a face that tugs a past nightmares
and screams to bring her back.

Inside the mirror, behind the glass
lies a girl with torn up sleeves
a face that tugs at endless thoughts
and chokes out a soft please

Inside the mirror, behind the glass
lies a girl whos pain is clear
a face thats tugs at picture frames
and asks me why im here.

Inside the mirror, behind the glass
lies a girl I used to be
a face that seem much like mine
and whispers set me free

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