Chapter 17: Let's Just Go Somewhere

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Another 2 weeks and 2 letter later, she is sitting on her bed listening to music doing some homework when she hears Alicia call "Violet, phone for you." She makes her way down the stairs in no particular hurry since since she knows its Jafar. When she gets to the living room, Alicia hands her the phone almost warily. "Hey" she says into the receiver heading back up the stairs, "hey yourself" a familiar deep voice replies. "O hi!" she says, he demeanor changing instantly. "How's my girl" he asks, "I'm fine" she tells him. "Fine huh" he knowingly replies. "Ok, I've been a little less than ok, I miss u by the way" she says. "Well its a good thang I'm comin to visit in a couple weeks" he says with smile in his voice. "U are?" she exclaims, "yes I am , I need 2 see this girl I've been missing, man she got me all crazy over here, can't get her outta my head" he says. They stay on the phone for the better part of 2 hours before he finally says "Alright girl, get ur homework done cuz for every A, u get a surprise." "Oh really" she says, her voice dropping a little bit. "Yes mam" he tells her, "what kind of surprise" she asks, thinking al sorts of delicious thoughts. "Well, u gotta wait n c don't u" he answers. laughing, she tries to tell him goodbye but he ain't havin that. "Whatchu mean 'goodbye'" he says imitating her, "ain't u got somethin else 2 tell me?" "What?" she asks. "I ain't gettin no lovin anymore" he answers. "oooooh she says, ok, I love you, goodbye." He says "now thats better bye" whoa whoa whoa she is about to call him a not so nice name when he finally says "I was just playin, I love u 2, goodbye."

The next few weeks seem to drag on but eventually, it is the day, he is coming today. he is supposed to get to hr foster home within the hour so she waits, positioning herself so she can see out the bay window that overlooks the front of the house. An hour goes by, then 2, almost 3, then the phone rings, her heart drops, she instinctively knows. "Hello" she answers, "hey baby, they won't clear my plane for takeoff, the storm here, we r snowed in till at least tomorrow, I'm so sorry" he rushes to say. Lying, she answers "its ok, maybe next time"  "next time?" he asks confused, "what about tomorrow?" "Are u sure thats ..." she asks. "yes, girl what's wrong wit u?" he says. 'Hey, I got something 4 u when eye finally get there, I have been working on somethin 4 u" she laughs and they talk again for almost 2 hours until she hears Alicia call her for dinner and  she says "I gotta go, but I can't wait to see u" "me 2 princess" she laughs at him "princess now huh" she asks. "Yea princess" he answers "ok haha, bye, love u" "In love u to...MUAH!" 

In the morning, she realizes that she never even asked him what time his flight was or when he would get in. Probably late she figures. She goes about her normal morning weekend routine, eat, dressed etc then she sits down in the living room with some schoolwork in front of the tv. Around 1pm, the phone rings which of course makes her heart drop but she can hear Alicia's hushed voice speaking to whomever is on the other line so she goes back to what she was doing since its not him. A little while later. there is a knock at the door, Alicia shouts and asks her if she can get it so she walked towards the door. As she goes to open it, she could swear she smelled him, smelled his unique lavender/musk/him smell.

She opens the door and loses her mind. There he is standing there looking outrageously beautiful. She leaps into his arms and before Alicia comes, she sneaks a quick yet desire filled kiss. "Can I come in" he asks, jeez his voice is even more beautiful than she remembered, recordings just don't do it justice. Once she has composed herself a little, she steps aside. "Alicia, my friend is here, can I go out for a little while?" she asks. Smiling, she says "yes of course but, I wanna talk to u for a few minutes first." She asks him if he could please go in the living room and wait for her while she follows Alicia into the kitchen. "What's up" she asks Alicia, "well, I'm not stupid so I know whats going on here" she replies. "How? I don't know what you..." Violet says, a little tongue tied. "Look, I am not your mother, all I want to say is that you guys have to he careful, you are technically a ward off the state and he is well, Prince, if anyone found out, there would be serious consequences for both of you, more so him" she says with genuine concern. Violet can only nod "now, go have fun, just lay low ok" Alicia says, ending the conversation. 

They get in his car and she can tell that he obviously heard the entire conversation because he is super tense now and he wasn't before. "I hope u don't mind that we gotta go hang at my hotel" he says. "Gosh, that sounds amazing and by the way, don't worry about anything just for today ok, please" she asks, he looks over at her smiles ad nods once. He drives them into the parking deck at the Hilton hotel and he leads her to the elevator, they head up, thankfully unnoticed. They get up to his suite which she notices is basically the entire floor. As soon as the door is shut, e throws his arms around her pushing her against the door and trapping her lips with his own, She can feel every inch of his body on hers ad instantly all the sadness and longing of the past weeks disappears, for both of them. He breaks the kiss, taking the sides of her face gently in his hands. He stares into her eyes, searching her eyes until he finally says "I missed u, u have no idea how much I want u right now." She sighs ad wraps her arms around him in surrender. They go to the bed and very timidly, like it was their first time again, they begin to undress. 

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