Chapter 4: Coffee

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Oof Author-chan note at beginning.

Sorry for not updating in ages.

Can I just say THANK YOU, for all the reads and votes! I never expected this many so quickly. I feel quite loved.

Like, how?!?!

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Like, how?!?!

I tried to write some actual interaction last chapter, and I wasn't all that happy with it...

Also, the reader is now addressed as "____" not "Y/N". I'll go back and fix the other chapters.

Cough Anyways, this chapter I did a bit less rushing and more thinking. Enjoy!

Your Potato Pal for life,
Tater Trash


Gaster's pov

I'm absolutely horrified.

What is this abomination?

It's... pasty. And cold.


"You call this crap coffee?!"

She shrugged. Or, it looked like a shrug. It may have been an attempt to not faint.

It was notable that no one else had gotten back with the cup intact.

But still.


A human.... Who had managed to make it through the many dangers of the strange lab.

(Author-Chan shall keep you in suspense for what those are until later >:3)

But he wasn't about to bring on someone who couldn't make a decent cup of coffee.

"Why are there even lasers in the goddamn hall anyways?! That's just stupid!"

I glared at her. "Smart people would avoid them."

"Guess that explains why you burned half your sweater going through there the other day." Another monster said under his breath.

The human snickered.

(I had to write that I'm sorry XD)

Y/N's pov

You couldn't help but smirk at that comment. The esteemed Dr. Gaster, burning his own sweater in his own lab?

That takes talent.

A door across the room opened, and some monsters you recognized from the lobby shuffled in. One of them piped up.

"Er... We where told to come in here?"

One of the scientists looked up at the clock on the wall.

"It's getting pretty late, Doc. You want to do the thing now? Cause we won't have time tomorrow." She said.

Gaster sighed and walked towards the door. "Yes, Clinton, I know." He looked the group up and down. "I guess you'll do for now... Follow me."

You fell into step with the rest of the group, not having been told to leave.

Gaster abruptly stopped at a small metal door, which he quickly punched a code into. It slid open with a hiss, and led into a red tinted gloom.

"Please do be careful," he said, "and copy my steps exactly. Doing otherwise spells out certain death very clearly."

You all exchanged nervous glances. Where where you going?

Everyone followed him in, and, as the door shut, you realized why he said to follow him.

You were standing on a railess catwalk in Hotlands where, not 200 feet down, bubbling, boiling magma slowly. The heat flushed your cheeks as you gulped, looking up.

"This is the best view of Hotlands you'll get in the entire Underground," Gaster called from the front of the line. "It is also where you can see the future building site of the machine that I've been told about."

As you walked slowly along the catwalk, you couldn't help but notice how quickly the scientist's bitchy attitude had vanished as he talked about it. He was in his element, talking about this.

You admired his dedication to his work, if nothing else.

The group reached the end of the catwalk, and Gaster paused.

"This group," he said, "Will be helping design this thing. I admit... I dislike working with other people in general. The monsters working with me today are some of my closest friends and the only monsters who will have any authority close to mine.
"Today, I was merely expecting to find throwaways."

He glanced at you before continuing.

"But, you all have at least a glimmer of potential, if aligned with my intelligence and brain."

The skeleton paused and looked away, then turned back, clearing his throat, the proffesionalism coming back to his voice.

"Ahem... That is all that I wished to show you. I expect the group of you back here tomorrow, at 6 am, sharp. If you really want to work here, at least prove you can arrive on time."

A quick "Yes sir," came from the lot of you, who turned quickly as to get back to relatively stable ground.

You turned to leave also, but you froze as a hand grabbed your shoulder.

"Could I speak with you for a moment?"

You turned back to Gaster, nervous.

"What is it, sir?"

He held out his hand for a handshake, and you obliged.

His face no longer held the carefree smirk that it had when you first met. It was now an indifferent one, tired, and sad.

"I didn't expect to see you here, miss.... _____, wasn't it?"

You nodded, not sure how to reply.

"Ah, I was right. And I assume your enjoying your stay here? Accomplished what you came for yet?"

Your eyes narrowed as you realized; he was mocking you. He was getting satisfaction out of the fact that you were just as trapped as he was.

Not today, you thought.

"Yes." Was all you said in return. He raised an eye.

"Oh? Well, then it seems I was mistaken." He said, more to himself than you.

He was silent for a moment, then turned to look out across the cavern. In the distance, monsters were streaming out of an elevator that had been installed between the man city and the other areas.

"That time already.... Well, I must go, and you to. Things to do, skeletons to see.... And I'm sure your wishing to eat dinner."

He smiled, not a friendly one.

"I'll see you tomorrow."

With that he walked away, leaving you with more questions than answers.... Especially....

Skeletons to see?


Skelebro foreshadowing? Maybe.

Who caught the Lion King reference? Cookies if you did!

School is killing me, so I am STAYING DETERMINED.

Also, 1000 words!

Till next time...

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