Equius' Turn

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Next, it was Equius's turn.

The muscled highblood carried his moirail from the high shelf of the closet back to their couch. Kanaya had woken Tavros and they had taken seats on the other side of the room on the vacant sofa.

He looked at the blue wool hat with a strange expression; one that exposed his discomfort. The blue-blood clearly did not care for this game at all. With a sigh of resignation, Equius reached into the hat and pulled out a watch.

"WHO 1S 1T?" Terezi asked from the back wall.

"Wwho wwears a wwatch evven?" The sea dwellers looked slightly confused at the purpose of the mechanical accessory.

You find yourself looking at Karkat. You know the cankerous Cancer had placed a watch into the hat, but you should give him the chance to confirm it himself before throwing him under the metaphorical bus.

He catches your gaze a scowls, clearly displeased with the turn of events. "It's mine ok?"

Equius seems startled by this piece of news, before offering a scowl of his own. One that definitely rivaled Karkat's in bitterness.

"I must e%press my dissatisfaction with this arrangement. I shall not be entering a closet or any other enclosed space with this foul-mouthed low blood."

"Well you're no walk-in-the-park either you stuck up prude. I wouldn't want to touch you if it kept Sollux from being swarmed by his own ass-hungry bees! In fact, you can take your uptight bullfuckery and stick it right up your nook, you muscled bulgelicker."

You couldn't help yourself, you snorted. Most of the room was in a tense silence, the rest were snickering amongst themselves. They were used to this type of behavior, and you just found that outburst so damn funny! And not just because here was this rather short troll standing up to a muscle beast of a highblood but because he looked so offended!

Is was a miracle that the Sagittarius's cracked glasses hadn't fallen off with how bugged his eyes had gotten. The troll was also sweating profusely, nearly soaking his muscle shirt. As if he wasn't used to this kind of conversation! You, on the other hand, found yourself unable to be offended by anything Karkat may say. You found it quite amusing honestly.

"I think I need a towel...."

Next to Equius, Nepeta stirred slightly. The muscle bound troll got a blanket off the arm of the couch and placed it over her gently.

"Well 8oys," Vriska was the one to speak up first, "rules are rules. And that means that youuuuuuuu two need to get in that closet ASAP :::;)"

The trolls in question started to protest until Kanaya cleared her throat gently and applied a coat of lipstick. They both visibly paled before complying. The jade-blood and the cerulean-blood shared a look of mutual appreciation, before returning to their respective positions.

The closet was shut, the timer started, and you once again found yourself without someone to talk to. The closest troll was Eridan, but he and Vriska had already began a heated debate about battle strategies on the open sea. Feferi and Aradia seemed to be talking about hair tips, while Terezi and Sollux were swapping brain teasers. Sweet little Nepeta remained blissfully sleeping on her couch. You weren't sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing that she had missed that entire exchange. Kanaya and Tavros were holding a quiet conversation on the couch next to you, Kanaya kept holding up something she was knitting near Tavros's head. It looked like she was making horn cozies! You reached up and felt your own slender horns: cool and sleek. Maybe you could ask for a pair as well.

It seemed to take ages for that timer to go off, but when it did Nepeta woke up with a hiss and a yelp. You didn't know she could equip her claw gloves that fast, and were glad that you weren't sitting directly next to her.

Vriska opened the door and let the silent trolls out. You had a feeling that all seven minutes of closet time were spent in icy silence. Though picturing Karkat quiet was difficult, you had to make that assumption based on a distinct lack of yelling coming from the closet.

The trolls gruffly sat down on their respective couches. Nepeta immediately went to Equius to find out what had happened, while you turned to Karkat.

"Hey you ok? Any broken bones?"

"Oh that's real funny coming from the bulgehumper who doesn't actually have to put up with the guy! That pompous asshole could break me like a fucking tree-arm and not even sweat over it; except he probably would sweat over it like a low blood trying to appease the messiahs. That was a juggalo reference since that useless clown isn't here to pollute the air with his idiotic religion. And no, he didn't touch me as you can plainly see by the mere miracle that I am in one disgusting piece."

You had wanted some conversation, but you then remembered that with Karkat it was more tangents and insults than real interaction. Well, at least it was amusing.

"Which one of you shitstenches is next?"

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