Sollux's Turn

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It was Sollux's turn.

Sollux received the hat from Equius. The disgruntled indigo blood was pouting on the sofa while Nepeta tried to get him to loosen up. Vriska had left the room to get some snacks from the cook-space. You were grateful; you were getting a tad thirsty and was hoping she would bring some drinks as well. Tavros had followed her out, possibly to provide aid, or maybe to use the load-gaper or something.

The afore mentioned ochre blood had taken out the item when you weren't looking, and was currently blushing furiously. You craned your neck to get a better view of the object, but it was hidden behind Sollux's hand.

"Whose Item Did You Choose?" Kanaya asked.

Sollux didn't answer. Instead, he grabbed Aradia's hand and started pulling her out of her chair.

"What..." was all she managed in the five steps it took for them to reach Equius's couch.

He hurriedly pulled Aradia into the closet, knocking Nepeta over in the process. The small olive blood fell off the arm of the couch where she was perched, and would've fallen to the floor had her moirail not caught her in time.

"2orry!" Was his rushed apology as he closed the door.

"What was that ab0ut?" Their muffled voices carried through the thin closet door.

"II'm 2orry, II ju2t wanted two get iin here fa2ter."

Vriska and Tavros reentered the room just as Karkat set the timer. The two brought a bowl of chips, some Tab soda, and a suitable amount of cups. You helped yourself to a cup of Tab and a handful of chips. Next to you, Karkat was munching noisily on his own pile of snacks.

Feferi crossed the room to see Nepeta, and Kanaya and Terezi switched places. The teal blood took Kanaya's spot on the couch while the other started up a conversation with Vriska. Karkat joined that couch to speak to his old matesprit, who felt up his face to "M4K3 SUR3 YOU W3R3 R34LLY K4RK4T," much to his disgruntlement. You began a conversation with Eridan about a recent FLARPing campaign you were both involved in, but cut it off before the debate could become too heated.

Across the room Feferi and Nepeta filled the air with girlish squeals until Eridan called his moirail back to his side. Once alone Nepeta put her ear to the closet and, upon hearing something apparently interesting, starting talking excitedly to Equius. You found it strange how uninvolved he was with the conversation, until you heard a soft snore coming form his direction. Oblivious to this, Nepeta continued to fan-girl over whatever it was she had heard. Bless her little shipper heart.

The timer dinged but the closet door stayed shut. You looked around, unsure of what to do. Should someone go get them? Nepeta opened the door a crack and whispered something inside. You heard soft murmurs and a hint of a lisp creep out of the space. Nepeta nodded once before shutting the door again. She then took a cushion off the couch, buried her face in it, and squealed loudly.

"uh, Nepeta?" Tavros said worriedly. "is everything a-all right,,,?"

"W)(at are they glubbin' up to?" Feferi asked her shipping buddy (hehe ships).

"They n33d a moment," the ecstatic olive blood giggled.

"SO 4R3 TH3Y G3TT1NG B4CK TOG3TH3R OR WH4T?" Terezi called out from her seat. Several people nodded in agreement, looking toward the door for an answer.

"That remains t0 be seen," Aradia said as she and Sollux stepped out of the closet.

"There'2 2tiill 2ome thiings we need two work out, but for the moment iit..." Sollux began, grabbing Aradia's hand.

" l00ks like a yes!" Aradia finished with a smile.

"They're already finishing each other's sentences!" Nepeta said, voice still muffled by the couch cushion.

"CONGRATZ," Feferi's loud well-wishing woke the sleeping indigo blood. He looked around confused, until his eyes fell in the low-bloods' intertwined hands and frowned. The large troll rose out of his seat and exited the room, ignoring his moirail's words of comfort.

You knew for a fact that the blue blood had, at one point, potent flushed feelings for Aradia, but you didn't realize he had kept those feelings with him after all this time. Seeing Aradia with a low-blood must've been very confusing and hurtful for Equius. You watched with sad eyes as Nepeta hurried after her moirail to make sure he was alright.

"wh0's next?"

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