Aradia's Turn

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It was Aradia's turn.

"0h dear," Aradia looked worried as she watched the door close.

"Don't Worry About It Dear," Kanaya reassured her, "He'll Be Alright."

The maroon-blood turned to the door once more before nodding. You remembered that at one point she had reciprocated those flushed feelings, but the two vascilated so often that it rendered the relationship unstable. This was after Aradia and Sollux broke up; when the ochre-blood was pursuing Feferi. Eridan highly disapproved of this relationship, kick-starting their kismesissitude.

"It's you turn anyway," Vriska said offhandedly.

"But she literally was just in the closet," Karkat argued.

"Th0se are the rules, I supp0se." And that settled it.

Aradia withdrew her hand from the proffered knit-hat, revealing an ornate wand-like stick. Everyone immediately turned to Eridan. A furious blush spread across Sollux's features as his matesprit turned to him for counsel, "no fuckiing way, not eriidumb." It seemed he did not want his flushed and caliginous quadrants to mix.

"Keep your glubbing pants on, Captor," the sea dweller sneered, "it's not mine."

You looked around the room confused, who would step forward to claim the wand? From the back wall beside Vriska, Kanaya cleared her throat, "That Belongs To Me."

The bickering pair fell silent as Aradia rose with a smile, "well c0me 0n then."

You look at Kanaya as she rose to join Aradia. "Really Kanaya, a wand?" You were under the impression that the jade-blood was not swayed by such magical fancies. Kanaya frowned and shook her head, "It Is Not A Wand, It Is One Of My Knitting Needles." That explained it.

Aradia offered a hand to Kanaya who took it as they entered the closet. The door was closed and the timer started as natural conversation resumed.

Tavros and Terezi left the couch to talk to Vriska and the sea dweller duo struck up a conversation with Sollux. The couch cushions beside you moved as Karkat returned to his original seat.

"Where the everlasting fuck is that useless indigo blood?" He raved. You frowned slightly, he was being rather insensitive.

"You know just as well as I that Equius is upset, and you would do well to be considerate." You scolded. He made a sour face and crossed his arms huffily. "I don't see why he needs to make a big deal out of some stupid flush-crush."

"Oh come now, Karkat, don't pretend like you've never been flushed for someone before."

A pink blush spread across his cheeks and you knew you had hit your mark. Interesting, who could it have been?

"Well are you going to tell me who it is?" You questioned. His scowl deepened and just as he opened his mouth to curse you out, Terezi called his name. Karkat turned towards the sound, his blush growing even larger. Was that the answer?

"Hey Karkat, is it Terezi?" You asked quietly. This probably wasn't something he wanted the others to overhear. Fortunately they all weren't paying you any mind. "You can tell me you know, I'll keep quiet."

"What makes you so fucking sure I have a flush-crush on anyone, huh? And how do you get off on my telling you? Gog you're worse than that autistic feline who pretends she's a cat. You should both just go to her hive and massacre a shipping wall while having sloppy makeouts."

That comment stung a little, but you sure as hell weren't going to let him know that. You continued with your interrogation unperturbed. "It is Terezi, isn't it? I can tell by the way you blush when I say her name." And indeed his face was entirely red. Though at this point, it was difficult to tell whether it was from embarrassment or anger.


The entire room fell into dead silence and turned towards your couch. You sat there frozen, mouth open, not sure how to respond. Terezi and Vriska looked similarly stunned, while the sea dwellers began whispering to themselves and glancing over at you two. Tavros tugged on Terezi's sleeve, probably trying to figure out what was going on.

You looked over at Karkat. The mutant blood was completely still and deathly pale. You reached over to comfort him, but he slapped your hand away with a glare. You're not sure what hurt more, the slap or the feeling of guilt at embarrassing him like this. Looks like you were the insensitive one.

Everyone jumped as the timer rang, ending Aradia and Kanaya's session. "....But Red Is Definitely Your Color. I Highly Suggest You Wear More Of It." They were exiting the closet.

"Thanks, Kanaya, I think I will." So they had been talking fashion. Figures.

The two lovely ladies noticed the tense atmosphere as soon as they emerged from the closet.

"What Happened?" You were surprised they hadn't heard his yelling, the timer was heard just fine. Vriska walked over and explained the situation quietly to the jadeblood as Aradia took her seat. Kanaya gave you a withering look before motioning for you to stand up. You complied and allowed her to take your seat and comfort her moirail.

Everyone was looking at you now, standing alone in the middle of the room. You rubbed your arm in discomfort, you felt practically naked under all these judging gazes. It's not like you meant to bully him into a confession! You only wanted to make conversation.... You bit your lip nervously before exiting the room. You had to escape those stares.

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