Chapter 2

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Disclaimer: There is heavy Keith angst in this chapter. I uh, might've teared up a little writing it and that's hard to do '- . -

Anyway, enjoy!

---8:13 am---

Keith was furious. Absolutely enraged! God, he had one thing to get done, which had gone horribly wrong, and now he's in the back of some rookie cop's car! I'm gonna end up in prison unless I sneak my way out of this he thought with a deep scowl on his face; The convict glared daggers into the back of Lance's seat. Not only had he been roughly thrown into the car, but the cop didn't even bother fixing his position before buckling him up.

Before he even had the chance to kick away Lance and escape, the seat buckle had been clipped around his body while he was forced to press his face uncomfortably into the cushion. Keith didn't even have the luxury to sit on his ass! Mother fucker--! Can't even be considerate! he growled as the car door slammed shut behind him and a giddy cop settled into the front of the Dodge Charger. 

"Alright, Mullethead. Off to the slammer with you, and a promotion for me!" exclaimed Lance with a triumphant grin on his face. The car soon started with a loud hum of the engine and suddenly the soft sound of Shakira was being played through the speakers of the car. Lance then used the Police radio on his shoulder to call in his catch. "--Yup! All me! Uh huh. I'm coming back now- O-Oh! Yes, Ma'am! Affirmative!" he replied to a shocked staticky voice as it broke through the rather disgruntled atmosphere. Keith, even though he's been struggling for so long, continued to squirm against his restraints and let another groan escape his lips.

Once the cop had started down the road at a rather slow speed, Keith had given up on his struggle due to the ineffectiveness and the developing rash from the metal cuffs against his wrists. "Urgh-! You couldn't have moved me into a better position?!" snarled the raven. Lance's smirk was unbearable to look at through the car mirrors. 

"Sorry, sweetheart. Just doing my job." Lance made a rather sharp turn (on purpose) which made Keith squeak in surprise as his back arched and his cheek pressed further into the seat. The cop then adjusted his mirrors to keep a 'closer eye' on the young man. "Heh, but it is a little distracting~..." the cop practically purred out the suggestive comment with a wink, making eye-contact through the mirror. 

This shut Keith up right away and he swiftly broke the intimate gaze as a violent blush surged up his neck, tinting his ears and cheeks an embarrassing shade of fire-truck red. The cop cleared his throat and chuckled as he propped his arm out of the window and focused on the road ahead. "Ah shit... Rush-hour traffic. Guess we're gonna be stuck with each other longer than we thought." His tone was serious and tired.

Well... guess I could take a nap... Just as long as I don't have to look at his idiotic face! Keith could care less if the time it took to get to the SPD headquarters was elongated. He shifted his body with a sigh into a slightly more bearable position, then shut his eyes and was out like a light. 

---6 years ago, San Angelo, Texas---

"San Angelo Police! Open up! We have a warrant for arrest under the charge of gang involvement for Heith Kogane!" the police pounded on the door of their small shack in the middle of the night. Little Keith sat up in his bed as his brother, Shiro, had stumbled into his room. "H-Hey, buddy! Uh, we need to leave with ma-," he cut himself off as he paled, looking out the window to see a large red truck pull away from the back of their house; Their mother at the wheel... 

"Shiro...? What's going on? Who's yellin'?" grumbled a 12-year-old Keith. Keith saw his father walk down the hallway past their room with a defeated posture, his face which usually was well shaven and his clothes neat, he looked like a zombie with the unkept aftershave and dark bags underneath his grey-blue eyes. 

💜Runaways💜- Leakira (aka Klance) Cop AUWhere stories live. Discover now