9 eden hazard

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"Y/N Y/N COME ON!" Your little brother shouted at you.

"i'm coming i'm coming," you said walking downstairs.

You and your little brother were heading to the Chelsea Stadium to take a tour. Your brother was obsessed with the team and had always wanted to go to the stadium but your dad never had time , as soon as you came back from university you dad was making you take your brother to the stadium.

"right little one let's go," you said rushing your brother out the door and saying bye to your parents. You both got in the car and headed to the stadium.

After about an half and hour drive you and your little brother made it to the Chelsea stadium. You both got out the car and made your way inside. The place was massive but now you just had to find your way to your tour guide , as you looked around you felt a tug at your jumper.

"psst Y/N look there is Eden Hazard and David Luiz!" Your brother hissed with excitement.

"Oh cool," you said nodding but then turning away to look at the helpful sign above you.

Before you knew it your brother had wandered over to the two Chelsea players and left you standing there.

You felt a tap on your shoulder you turned round and smiled , it was Eden Hazard.

"i believe he is yours," he said smiling and pointing at your little brother who was in david's arms. You laughed and nodded , you looked at your brother moving your head in a way to say 'come here'. He walked over with a cheeky grin on his face.

"I'm sorry about him," You said smiling and grabbing your brothers hand.

"no no it's okay," he said a very cute accent overlaying the words.

"Can we please get a picture?" your brother asked eden and david.

"Sure!" David said , you got our your phone and took a picture of your brother with David and Eden.

"Do you not want a picture beautiful?" eden said smiling and making you blush.

"yeah okay," you said walking over , held your phone out and took a selfie with Eden and David. You felt someone open your hand and put something in it.

"call me," a whisper hushed in your ear , you blushed and closed your hand.

"Hey buddy we have to get to training now," David said going on one knee to talk face to face with your brother. Your brother nodded and smiled.

"bye" he said waving as Eden and David walked away.

"Ah here," you said reading a sign that said 'tour this way >' you pushed your brother to lead the way.

As you walked you opened your hand and took out the piece of paper slowly , you opened it and this is what it read,

'hey beautiful , you should definitely call me ***** ******
love eden . H'

you smiled to yourself as you closed the bit of paper and made your way to the 'Chelsea Stadium Tour'.

________________________ this sucked ass but i hope you enjoy also comment some requests thanks

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