12 jesse lingard

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"Babe let's go!" Jesse shouted at you impatiently from downstairs.
You are jesse we're going to Marcus' birthday party but you couldn't find anything to wear.

"i'm coming jes!," You shouted back rushing to your closet and yanking the first dress you saw on.

It was a long red dress with a beautiful design on the front. You threw on a pair of black heels and walked downstairs , you phone in one hand and purse in the other.

"wow," you heard a soft voice said as you walked downstairs to jesse. He was staring at you at you and smirking cheekily. You smiled at him and walked over to jesse and kissed his cheek.

"Lets go love we are almost late," he said grabbing you ass making you jump and walk faster to the door Jesse laughing behind you.

One you both got into the car you put your seatbelts on and started to drive to Marcus'.

"are you excited beautiful?" Jesse asked looking at you but then turning his head back to look at the road.

"yeah," you said enthusiastically and grinned from ear to ear , jesse laughed.

*time skip*

Jesse opened the your car door , you walked out and thanked him. You walked over to the door and knocked on it loudly. Jesse's arms wrapped round your waist from behind , his head buried into your neck and he planted soft kisses to it. A drunken Marcus flung open the door and greeted you and jesse , you both walked in and jesse went to get some drinks. As you waited for him to come back luke shaw ,your best friend, walked over.

"Y/N hey how are you!" He said pulling you into a hug , you hugged back.

"I'm great , wow long time no see," Luke said smiling widely.

"yeah i know right we really need to start mee-," you were cut off but a loud cough behind you.

"oh hey babe," you said moving over so he could sit , he handed you a drink.

*time skip*

After around 2 more hours of talking to Luke , Jesse started to get more clingy. He was kissing your cheek every minute and kept holding your hand.

"Y/N i should go , i have to go see my sister tomorrow morning but i'll text you okay," luke said standing up and kissing your cheek.

"bye," you said as you watching luke walk out the door.

You looked at jesse and he smashed his lips on yours , you were surprised but then kissed him back.

"i hate when you talk to other boys," jesse said pulling away from the kiss and look at you.

"Jess he is my best friend," you said giggling.

He smiled.

"yes but you are my girlfriend," he said , then it hit you he was jealous.

"Were you jealous," you asked forming a cheeky smirk on your face.

"What no," Jesse said.

there was silence for a moment.

"Yes i was," he said , you smiled.

you leaned over to his ear ,

"i am all your baby," you whispered in his ear making jesse smile widely.

"Now how about we go for a dance then we can get home," Jesse said standing up.

"How can i say no," you said smiling as jesse took your hand and lead you to the dance floor.

This took me a long time to write but here you go , enjoy :)

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