Don't let me go

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We had finally reached Luke's house. We were going to drop his bags off and then go shopping together all three of us. We all brought two bags each with us, full of Luke's belongings, and Luke inserted the key into the lock.

"This is it", he grinned at his mom. "The new chapter begins". He opened the door and we walked inside. My nose wrinkled at the smell, it smelt musty and damp. We dropped our bags on the floor and had a look downstairs. There was one bathroom down here, which was quite small but clean. There was a kitchen and living room. When we entered the dull kitchen we were met with two people. They stared at us when we entered.

"Hey I'm jack and this is Mia", the guy jack introduced himself.

"I'm Luke", Luke grinned and Jack gave him a high five. He seemed like your typical lads lad. Someone who does stupid things to make others laugh at him.

"You're his mother and sister I guess", Mia asked and tied her auburn hair up into a bun. Effortlessly.

"No I'm his girlfriend", I clarified.

"I'll get the rest of the bags out of the car", Amanda shuffled away.

"Seriously man", Jack groaned. "I was planning on me and you going out and getting laid. I could already see the good times ahead".

I smiled politely at Jack, not wanting Luke to get of to a bad start.

"Sorry man, I can go out but no getting laid. Sorry", Luke grinned and I fought the urge to roll my eyes. I thought this part of the evening was going to be so much different.

"Did you guys know each other before coming here?" I asked Mia and Jack.

"No we didn't but it doesn't take much to make friends here", Mia grinned and Jack placed a hand over his heart.

"Ouch friendzoned", he shuddered and Luke laughed. "You staying here Luke's girlfriend?"

"No I'm still in high school, senior year. And I'm Hayley", I explained.

"And you're hot", Jack mumbled and my eyes widened. No one spoke to me like that when Luke was around. Luke laughed which shocked me. Usually he'd give them a murderous glare.

"What room you staying in?" Mia asked Luke and he looked down at his key.

"Room 4".

"Oh you're roommates already here. She hasn't come down yet", Mia told him and my mouth dropped open.

"She", I exclaimed and Luke gave me a warning look. Calm down. Luke's mother reentered the kitchen.

"Let's get all those bags upstairs and then go shopping", she said and we followed her out to the hall, leaving Jack and Mia alone.

"He's sharing a room with a girl", I whispered and Amanda gave me a sad smile.

"Mom can you give us a minute?", Luke asked and Amanda stepped outside. 

"You're sharing a room with a girl", I repeated a few times and Luke let me get it out of my system before speaking.

"Are you done?" He asked and I nodded. "Good. I'm sharing a room with a girl but it means nothing Hayley, baby it means nothing. We're going to go upstairs and put my bags into my room and be polite to her. She's probably a nice girl", he ordered.

"That's what I'm afraid of. How can I have a reason to hate someone if their nice", I groaned and Luke sighed. "But seriously Luke, how would you feel if I went home tonight and stayed in one of the guys rooms?" I asked. Luke gritted his teeth but faked a smile.

"I'll be fine with it baby. I don't trust the guys but I trust you and thats all that matters".

"Well then you know where I'll be staying tonight". I knew I was being petty but sometimes it's hard not to be.

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