Pick me up

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It had been over a week since Luke had broken up with me, I hadn't heard his voice since that day I called him. It is also taking me a lot longer to bounce back than I thought it would, I just can't seem to feel normal again. No matter how much old romcoms I watched or how much ice cream I ate, it didn't heal my aching heart. The girls in the movies were right when they said breaking up sucks but for them in two minutes they are happy again. They realise all along that their best friend was actually the one for them or they get back together and live happily ever after. That is just bullshit. No wonder us girls allow ourselves to get treated like crap, because one day Mr. Right will save us. Yeah, right. 

"Hayley, time for school", my mom called from downstairs and I forced myself to get out of bed, when all I wanted to do was lay there and feel sorry for myself. I put on grey sweat pants and a white crop top. My hair was swooped into a high pony, and I put some lip balm on. Now time to fake it till I make it. No one knew how much I was hurting inside and I intended to keep it that way. I hurried downstairs and joined my sister in the kitchen who was complaining about her English teacher who hadn't given them back their essays yet. I raised an eyebrow but grabbed a granola bar without saying a word. People actually got annoyed over teachers not returning work? 

"Morning Hayley", my mother smiled and I smiled before taking a bite out of my bar. 

"Mom's dropping us to school this morning as I have to bring in my cello to practice for the Christmas concert in two weeks", Lola announced.

"Okay that's perfect, I'll text Conor that we're not getting the bus", I said and quickly sent him a message. My mother ushered us out the door then and we got into the car. 

"How's everyone this morning?" she asked when we were all in the car. 

"Good", I smiled and was glad my mother didn't know me well enough to know I wasn't fine at all. I drummed my nails on my knee as the music played and my mother glanced at me.

"I don't think I've seen you wear sweat pants in ages", she commented and I shrugged.

"It's getting cold". 

Eventually we reached the school and I was thankful to get out of the car. Sitting in  a car, made me think to much. Right now, I didn't want to think about anything. I hurried into school and bumped into Amber. 

"You ready to go out tonight?" she asked and I nodded my head enthusiastically. Pretending to be okay in front of your best friend, was tougher than pretending in front of your mother. Amber knew me very well. 

"Honestly, I'm so ready to go out and just forget about everything", I grinned and popped a piece of gum in my mouth.

"Has Tayler been annoying you lately?" she asked and I shook my head. Thankfully, Tayler hadn't been so annoying lately. I could not see it lasting long but for now I was at peace with him leaving me alone. Tayler and Kiera where now the schools power couple, they were together all the time and everyone thought they were 'the cutest'. 

We headed into our first class and I groaned, today was going to be a long and painfully boring day. As soon as my math teacher opened his mouth, I was basically asleep. There was nothing worse than listening to someone talk about something you could not give a shit about. Basically that was all school is. 


I was finally ready for a night to party and forget about Luke. This was my first time going out as a single girl in ages and I was going to make the most of that. I had a short tight red dress on with white heels. My hair was curled and my makeup wasn't too dramatic. I grabbed my phone before I headed downstairs, and into the kitchen. My mother gave me a disapproving look when I entered but I ignored her. 

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