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"Luke", I squealed when the door opened. I wrapped my arms around his torso and he chuckled.

"Calm down baby", he said before he kissed me gently. "Come on in". He grabbed the bags out of my hand and lead me inside. My mouth felt dry, I may come across as confident but right now my stomach was doing somersaults. I was so nervous to see Lukes housemates again and I couldn't shake it off.

"Where will I be staying?" I asked and he grinned at me.

"Whats got you all weird, you'll be staying with me obviously. And don't worry Bella said she'll stay in Mia's room tonight on her matress. She doesn't want you te feel uncomfortable around her", he explained as I followed him upstairs.

"How nice", I muttered and Luke glared at me when we reached the top of the stairs. He opened his door and we entered the room.

"Hi Hayley. I'm s excited your staying up this weekend, we're going to have so much fun", Bella said excitedly from her bed. She was laying on her stomach reading a book and she still looked effortlessly pretty.

"I can't wait", I managed to force out as Luke dropped my bags on his bed.

"Isn't Moby Dick actually quite good?" Luke asked her and she rolled her eyes at him.

"You were right, like always", she sighed. Luke chuckled softly and grabbed my hand leading me out of his room.

"You hungry?" he asked and I nodded quietly. Of course Bella who is funny, plays video games and is nice also freaking reads books that my boyfriend recommends to her.

"If it isn't Lukes girlfriend",  Lukes other housemate James called from the bottom of the stairs.

"Hey James", I laughed. "How are you?"

"Very good. What are you guys up to today?" he asked.

I looked at Luke. "Oh we're gonna go get food now and then just chill here", Luke grinned and James wiggled his eyebrows.

"Okay, just to say I invited a few more over to prinks tomorrow before we go out and celebrate your birthday", James cheeres. Luke laughed at him as we walked out of the house.

"Is tomorrow going to be crazy?" I asked as we began the walk into town.

"More than likely, James believes in go big or go home when it comes to nights out".

"I think I'm gonna like James", I smiled.

"Just be careful, I don't really trust him", he warned and I rolled my eyes.

"Luke seriously", I sighed and he shrugged. "No I mean it, I didn't come up here for you to start warning me about every guy we meet. I'm your girlfriend, not your sister".

Luke smiled and put his arm around my waist as we walked. "You are right", he sighed. "And I'm so happy that you are here, being away from you is so hard".

"Its so much more difficult then I was expecting it to be", I agreed. "I just miss you all the time". 


That evening we were laying on the couches in the sitting room with Mia, James and Bella. 

"So Hayley how's school going?" James asked and I stared at him. 

"Terrible as always", I groaned as Luke played with the ends of my hair. "I just can't wait to be finished".

"Would you ever drop out?" Mia asked. 

"Oh I would actually love to. I'm considering it", I chuckled and Mia grinned at me.

"You know I actually enjoyed school", Bella piped up. "I think people make it out to be worse that it is". I faked a smile on my face but kept my mouth shut. Every word that came out of her mouth annoyed me. 

"Of course you did dork", James chuckled and threw a pillow at her.

"You know I have to agree with Bella", Luke sated. "Well I wouldn't say I liked it but it wasn't as bad as everyone makes out". 

Mia let out a sigh, "I'm sorry school sucked and you are freaks for enjoying it. Anyway Hayley, do you like to party?"

I let out a laugh. "Oh I love to party. Any time, any day I'm ready to go out and have a good time", I told her and James gave me a high five. 

"You got a good one mate", James said to Luke who returned a smile back. "You've been pretty quiet man, also its so weird seeing you cuddling a girl". I tried to keep a smile of my face, but it was very reassuring to know that my man didn't cuddle with other girls behind my back. 

"I'm just enjoying having this one by my side again", he chuckled and kissed my shoulder. 

"Yeah she seems like a wild one", James grinned. "Must be worrying knowing she could be off with any guy behind your back".

"Um excuse me", I interrupted, my body gone stiff. Luke squeezed my waist reassuringly but he'd be damned if he thought I'd let someone talk about me like that. "I'm sitting right here and for your information I don't sleep around, I'm with Luke and only him".

"But you use to", Bella piped up and I glared at her.

"Okay who wants to watch a movie?" Luke asked but I shushed him. 

"What do you mean I use to?" I said, my voice steady.

"You use to sleep around", she began and I glanced at Luke, what had he been telling her?

 "You know what I'm tired", I announced and stood up. 

"Aw Hayley we're sorry", James said and I grinned at him.

"Oh don't worry I'm not annoyed with any of you. I'll be first to admit that maybe what I did in the past wasn't what most girls would do but I'm not ashamed", I said. "It's just been a long day and I want to sleep". This time I left the room and headed into Luke's room. I was mad at Luke, why did he have to tell Bella about my past? And he didn't even try to stick up for me. 

"Hey its me", Mia said as she entered the room. I gave her a small smile and lay back on the bed. "Sorry about their comments, James doesn't know when to shut his mouth and Bella was just putting her nose where it doesn't belong".

"Don't worry about me. People have said much worse. James was just being a lad, which I am completely used to as most of my pals are guys. And I guess Bella is just use to good girls", I stated and Mia burst out laughing. 

"Gosh I can see why Luke thinks you're so great", she laughed. "I can't wait for tomorrow night. What are you gonna wear?"

"Most likely something that will shock miss Bella", I giggled.

"Oh her face will be priceless", Mia laughed as Luke walked in. "I was just leaving", she smiled and gave me a quick hug before she left. 

He shut the door behind her and got into bed beside me. I tried my best not to say anything but I couldn't keep quiet. 

"Why didn't you say anything when James made that comment?" I asked and sat up in bed to look at him better. 

"Hayley you specifically told me not to worry about James", he sighed.

"Okay I'm being stupid", I sighed. "It's just...." I began but he shut me up with a kiss. He ran his fingers through my hair as he kissed me. "Luke", I gasped as I pushed him away. "I wasn't finished speaking".

"That was the point", he chuckled and began to kiss me again.


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