Chapter 7

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Nasir's pov

I stared at the woman I call my wife, she looked so beautiful. It's like this past few months she's been getting more and more beautiful, God if only this wasn't fake.

"Stop staring, it's creeping me out." she glared at me suspiciously as she pulled her bags out of the car, azmiah helped her drag her hand luggage while she carried the other.

"Well how would you know I'm starting if you weren't looking at me?" she rolled her eyes, but the bright tint on her cheeks begs to differ. She's blushing, how cute.

"I know you're probably tired, so let's go check In."

"Emirates or turkish airlines?" she asked

"None, your dad said we could use his PJ." She hums as we entered the airport, She said bye to her sisters before we finally made our way inside the airport.

after checking in and all we finally made it into the plane, she went straight to sit in a different area, I sighed at her childish behavior. I ignored her too cause she was acting like a child, few hours later she comes to sit opposite me glaring.

"Yes?" I asked raising my eyebrow

"You wanna tell me something?" she ask folding her amrs in front of her chest

"I don't think so." I reply

"So you're gonna act like that huh? fine. I just want to at least start a convo but you're acting like a jerk." I laugh at her words which made her furious

"You've ignored me since we boarded this plane and now that you're bored you expect me to entertain you? nope I want to sleep" I replied and that's exactly what I did.


arriving at the airport we checked out and got our luggage's, a car was already waiting for us. we wasted no time in getting in, the car drove us to the hotel. it was so full, thank god for the our reservation.

"You'll sleeping on the floor" hannatu says when she saw the single king sized bed in the room

"You keep forgetting I'm not into you so I'm not listening to your complaints either so i don't care where you sleep. I'm sleeping on the bed and if you cant share then I'm sure the couch will be waiting for you, it looks comfortable." I grabbed the remote that was sitting on the bedside drawer, switched the tv on and start watching Gotham.

after a hot shower and dinner I was ready to sleep "So you're really gonna be like this huh?" her annoying voice ring in my ears

"Obviously you're not tired, if you were you wouldn't be complaining" I turn around and close my eyes, I was about to fall asleep when I hear her slide into the bed and put a pillow between us. I smiled and let sleep take over me completely.


I felt something hard hit my chest that hurts like hell, I snapped my eyes open ready to pounce on whoever it was when I was faced with hannatu's leg. wow this girls sleeping habit is so bad, no wonder she wanted to sleep alone.

"Wake up" I say pushing he legs away from my face, she quickly sits up as she yawned and stretched. her eyes met mine and she was quick to straighten her posture.

"What?" she snapped at me

"What? you attacked me all night with your bad sleeping habit. can't you just sleep in one place, next time im gonna push you off the bed." her face slowly redden as she starts blushing, of course she's embarrassed I would be too if I was her.

"t-that only happens when I'm tired." and before I could reply she bolts into the bathroom, after an hour or so she comes back into the room with a robe and a towel wrapped around her head.

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