Unwanted call - 9

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You've been noticing things. Things that made you question if you were a good parent as your kids make you out to be.

You're a very busy person, with a very busy schedule so that means you can't do as much as you want with your kids.

Of course, you would occasionally go out with them, and spend time with them. But, obviously, you couldn't do everything. As much as you wanted to. You wanted to be a their all the time for your kids, you wanted to be present for everything, you wanted to give them everything they wanted, but you can't.

You're not a superhero, you're not magic, you're just a simple girl with simple needs and wants. Everything you wanted was for them.

You wanted them to feel safe and away from danger, you wanted them stay happy and healthy, you needed them to feel like you need them as much as they need you. The thought of them being upset, or scared by you or any other reason, would make you feel bad. Make you feel like you're not a good parent.

You sighed as your thoughts clouded your head again. A horrible habit you developed since you were a little girl. Why do you think these recurring things? To be honest, you're not really sure. Maybe it was a way to coop from the past, or focus on the future.

You try to keep everything from your past from your kids for a good reason. The thought of them going through what you went through, was a nightmare you hoped never came true.

That being your parents.

You love your parents, but to an extent. They don't know you're in Korea, or have any kids. You completely shut your life from them, and refuse to open the door for them. They were reason for basically everything that happened in your life, despite your seven boys.

One day, Jungkook asked you if they had grandparents. Those very words choked you up. He said in class one time, they were talking about families, and he wanted to ask they had a complete family. Of course you told him that you were a complete family, but he didn't believe you. It took a while for you to get him to drop the topic, because talking about it made you upset.

You hated thinking about them too. Like before, you do love your parents but they can be a little overbearing. Scratch that, very.

That's the reason why you shut them out. They always want you to be the best at everything. They wanted you to marry a rich man, and live they do. Own a huge company, makes lots of money maybe have a kid or two that will continue the cycle.

But you didn't want any of that. 

You wanted to be responsible for your own future, to do what you wanted to do. That's why you left the United States, and moved to a better place. One for work related business, and the other as a nice break.

They basically wanted to take control over your life and you refused to let them do that. They were the reason you became depressed and unloved over the years. You lied to yourself saying you were probably homesick and upset because you were alone in the world, but the reality was because of them. They made you feel that way, even with everyone around you.

Sometimes you wished they never met each other, wishing you were never born sometimes, but those thoughts were in the past. You were happy to be alive and breathing today, because your seven kids made you feel happy to be alive.

Just the thought of your parents wanting to come back into your life and interfere with you and your kids made you sick to your stomach.

At that moment your phone went off, seeing that the caller ID was unknown. Being stupid, you answered it anyways, probably just a butt dial or something.

"Hello?" You answered.

"Hey kiddo," a rough voice said making you almost drop your phone.

"D-Dad? Why are you calling me?"

"Why can't I call my daughter after shutting me and your mother out for...how many years?"

"Look, I'm busy. I'm going to hang up."

"Don't you dare. Your mother and I are wondering where you are."

"Why do you care? You clearly didn't care a few years ago."

"That's because you shut us out first, not the other way around. So, what are you up to?"

"None of your business."

"Don't talk to your father that way," your mother said, making you slight jump from her voice.

"I don't want to talk to you right now. I have to check on my kid- I mean my kitchen. I have something in the oven."

"Not so fast," your father said. "Your mom and I have some free time for a couple of weeks and we want to go visit our loving daughter."

"No! Don't come over!"

"Who do you think you're talking to young lady?" You're mother snapped.

"Now now," your father said. "Is there a reason why you don't want us to come over?"

"I don't want to tell you. I'm very busy, don't call me again."

"Look, I know me and your mother don't have such a strong relationship with you, but we want to change that. Can't we just come over and see you? Wherever you are? I understand we were a little harsh to you growing up-"

"A little?"

"Let me finish, but we have changed and we understand why you don't want us around. Give us a chance and prove it to you."


You couldn't think of what to say, but your father's words seemed so genuine and heartbroken, so felt sad for some reason. Why were you such a forgiving person?

"F-Fine," you choked out. "You can come over but you can not stay in my house. You can't interfere with anything that I have going on or try to change anything. This is my life and my rules."

"We understand, (Y/N)," your dad said. "See you in a couple of weeks. And don't worry about sending the address, we'll find a way to get to you."

"Wait! What does that mean?" You said, but they already hung up the phone.

You felt tears beginning to cloud your vision, slowly gliding down your cheeks, as you threw your phone across the bed in anger. You wrapped your arms around your legs, pulling them up to your chest. You silently cried, knowing your kids were home.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" You cried, feeling your anger take over but was quickly replaced with sadness.

Why did you say yes? Why did you even continue to talk the them? Why did you let them back into your life? How were you going to explain this to your boys?

That door that was closed, finally opened back up by your careless mistake. It's going to take you forever to close it again, and you can't go through that stress again. Not with your kids involved too.

"Fuck," you said again, as you continued to cry.

What have you done?

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