Happy Birthday Hoseok!

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sorry for not updating

to make up for that, here is hoseok's birthday chapter

it will be short since this is a filler



You haven't seen Hoseok in awhile. It's been over a month and today you'd finally get to see him.

Today is his birthday!

He will finally be turning 8 years old and you couldn't wait to see him. You managed to get Jungkook and Jimin to come over soon, but Yoongi unfortunately couldn't. You did manage to get to talk to him but not for long.

Besides that, Jungkook and Jimin were coming over soon and you had to get the house ready for Hobi's birthday.

"Mommy! It's Hobi's birthday! Is he coming over?" Tae was so excited to see his hyung again.

"Don't worry," you said, "Hobi is coming over and so is Jungkook and Jimin."

He smiled for the first time in a long time and gave you a huge hug. He ran off upstairs and told Jin and Namjoon who both ran downstairs after hearing the good news.

"H-h-hobi, J-J-J-Jungk-ook and J-Jimin are a c-c-c-coming h-home?" Namjoon was so excited he was stuttering more than usual.

"Yes, they are coming home."

"What about Yoongi?" Jin asked.

"He isn't coming over, but let's keep him in spirit, okay? Until then, let's decorate the house for Hobi's birthday and get everything ready."

The three boys hurried off to get the party ready, while you went off to do your own thing.

Jin was baking Hoseok's cake, Tae was putting up the decorations and blowing up balloons, and Namjoon was looking for some decent music to play. You were wrapping birthday presents and signing cards and helping Jin cook the food.

Everyone, including you, hasn't been this happy in a long time. It made you happier when the doorbell rang and Tae went to answer the door.

"TAEHYUNG!" Jimin and Jungkook tackled their brother in a hug, while laughing like crazy.

Namjoon and Jin rushed over and hugged their brothers and welcomed them inside.

"MOMMY!" Jimin tackled you a hug followed by Jungkook who was in tears.

You couldn't help but cry yourself. You missed having them in your arms and kissing their little cheeks.

"We miss you so much!" Jungkook smiled showing his cute bunny teeth.

"I missed you too," you gave them another hug and wiped away tears. "Alright, let's finish getting everything ready for Hobi."

Jimin and Jungkook run off to go help their brothers, talking and having fun for being away for awhile. Namjoon was talking again, Tae was smiling and laughing, and Jin was being being a little kid again. The house hasn't been that loud in a long time, and you miss it.

You just missed Yoongi was here. The house  without wasn't home.

The house went silent when the doorbell rang, and everyone went to hide while you went to open the door.

"Mommy!" Hobi threw himself into your arms, his eyes watering. "I missed you so much!"

"I missed you too," you kissed his forehead and walked him to the living room while everyone popped out from their hiding spot and surprised Hoseok, who jumped from the loud noise.

Everyone ran and hugged him, while saying happy birthday and it made you so happy seeing everyone together again.

For awhile, you ate and played games with your kids, and sang happy birthday to Hobi.

"Mommy, can I open my presents?" Hobi pointed to the small pile of presents on the living room table.

"You don't have to ask," you ruffled his hair as he excitedly went over to open his presents.

He got toys, stuffed animals, and clothes, from you and the boys. He appreciated every little thing and smiled through everything. He truly was your little sunshine.

A few hours later, everyone feel asleep and you are placed them in their rooms, but Hobi was still awake which was odd.

"Hobi? Aren't you sleepy?" You sat down next to him on the couch.

"I'm not that tired," he tone in his voice was a little sad.

"What's wrong?" You pulled him into a hug as he hugged you back.

"Why wasn't Yoongi here? I missed him the entire time."

You could only sigh.

"Don't worry, I missed him too. He just wasn't able to come. But next time, you'll be able to see him and hug him."

"You promise?"

"I promise."

Hoseok ended up falling asleep a few moments later after your little talk, and you carried him to bed and tucked him into bed.

"Happy birthday, Hoseok..."

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