Happy Birthday Namjoon!

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sorry it's a little late

i'm a huge bucket of fuck right now



"생일 축하 해요, Namjoon!"
"Happy (late) birthday, Joon!"

Today (not really), Namjoon will be turning 8 years old. Usually with Joon he doesn't want anyone doing too much for his birthday. He does appreciate the cake and gifts but doesn't want a huge party for himself. He rather send it with his family then go out and make it a bigger deal than it needs to me. At least that's what he thinks.

You had already sang Happy birthday and ate delicious cupcakes and allowed Joon to open his presents. But, the day wasn't over yet.

"Joon what else do you want to do for your birthday?" You asked him, poking his little little dimples.

"N-nothing else," he says, flipping the next page in his book. "I-I j-just w-want to spend t-time with y-you and my b-brothers."

"Really? That's it?" You asked. "You don't want to have a party with some of your friends or anything like that?"

Namjoon just gave you a sad look, before turning his gaze back to his book.

"Don't tell me you don't have friends," you said, pausing the tv. "Why didn't you tell me? I'm sorry for bringing this up on your birthday, honey."

You motioned him to give you a hug, as you wrapped your arms around him and he did the same.

"I-its okay," he said, enjoying the hug. "I-I'm not u-upset."

"I should be the one upset," you said, running your hands through his hair. "You're a wonderful son, and anyone would be lucky to have you as a friend."

"T-thanks," Joon said, pulling away from the hug.

You never realized how quiet it was, until your moment with Namjoon was over. You wondered what the rest of your troublesome boys were doing upstairs.

"I t-think I h-have an i-idea o-of w-what I want to d-do," Namjoon says, putting down his book after bookmarking it. "L-lets g-go w-watch a m-movie."

"What is it that you want to see?" You asked, turning off the TV.

"W-whatever is o-out, I-I g-guess," he said, giving you a little smile.

"Let's go then."


"Wow! That was so cool!" Jungkook said, jumping up and down.

You decided to let them watch a superhero movie, since you knew the boys would like it. To be honest, you did as well. It was better than you expected.

"The ending was cool too!" Jimin said, agreeing with Jungkook.

While the rest of them happily chatted away, you moved over to Namjoon who was just happily listening.

"What do you think about the movie, birthday boy?" You cooed, slightly messing with his hair.

"I-It was r-really g-good," he said smiling, "I-It was e-even b-better w-with you g-guys."

"Aren't you so thoughtful?" You said.

"Mommy?" Tae cried, pulling at your hand.

"What is it Tae?" You asked, noticing the look on his face.

"I have to go to the bathroom!" He whined.

"I told you not to drink all that water. Alright, let's find the bathroom."

After looking for a sign, you walked to the bathroom and let everyone use it before you went back home.

"Namjoon? You don't have to use the bathroom, honey?" You asked.

He shakes his head.

"Alright, but if you do, I'm not pulling over," you teased causing him to smile.

"Mommy! Mommy!" Jimin cried, running out of the bathroom.

"What is it now?" You asked, feeling slightly exhausted.

"Tae wasn't going to wash hands and he was going to touch me!" Jimin cried. "That's gross!"

Tae walked out of the bathroom, a huge smile was on his face before he noticed yours.

"Get back inside, and wash your hands," you said, making Tae quickly run back into the bathroom.

You rolled your eyes out of frustration and let out a deep breath. They were too much. After everyone was done, you calmly stepped back but ended up bumping into someone.

"I'm so sorry," you said to the person.

"Oh, it's you."

You looked up and noticed it was one of your co-workers at the office. His name was Jaebum or JB as some call him.

"It's no problem," he said. "I never knew you had kids."

"Oh," you were slightly shocked that he was talking to you. "Yeah. I do. Don't you?"

"Yeah, 5 boys," he motioning them over.

You were able to talk to his husband, who's name was Jinyoung, that you got along with better than you expected. It was really nice to talk other people who knew the struggles of having kids. All the little stories you hear from them, you told them worse.

Apparently, Jaebum's kids were around the same ages as your kids, so they probably saw them around in school or in their classes. You noticed were getting along pretty well, so you were hoping this would allow them to make new friends.

"Hey, you're in my class," one kid said to Namjoon.

Joon nods, seeing that he was afraid to talk.

"You're brother is in my class to," he said pointing to Hobi. "My name is Jackson."

"I'm Hoseok or Hobi," Hobi said, "I've noticed you in our class too."

"Cool," Jackson said, waiting for Joon to talk. "What's your name again?"

"Namjoon," Hobi answered before he could because he noticed how shy he suddenly became.

"Oh, your the kid with the cool stutter," he said, making Namjoon's eye get big from shock and confusion.

"Y-you t-think m-my stutter is c-c-cool?" He asked Jackson.

"Yeah!" He said. "I've always thought you were cool, but I wasn't sure if you wanted to be friends."

"R-Really? W-We c-can be f-f-friends," Joon said, excited he made a friend on his birthday.

"I'm sleepy," Kookie whined. "I want to go home."

"Oh, well I guess we should head home too," Jaebum said. "I'll see you at work tomorrow, (Y/N). It was nice talking to you."

"You too," You said, going your separate ways.

You managed to find the car in the packed parking lot and helped strap in all the sleepy babies. You started driving home.

"I see you made a new friend," You said to Namjoon.

"Y-yeah," he said. "H-he s-seems c-c-cool."

"I think you'll be friends for a long time."

"Happy birthday, Joon."

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