the frustration runs through my veins just from the thought of "how can I start?"
I know how to write and I am better at expressing myself, even better when I can just bullshit it because whatever I am feeling cannot be guided by someone else's point of view.
usually, when I write I don't really think about and I just write and don't stop until I think that I should because I will bore the person. but what I will be doing is not towards a person but my personification of the place where I was born that I call my home.
at this point, everyone can suck a dick because honestly, I don't care. not even I do care that that is why I care so fucking much and that is the reason why I worry and why I am typing all of this because, in all honesty, I know at this point and I just ask maybe don't want to express my non existent love for a place that I remember only parts off but at the same time it means so much to me but I have blocked all my feelings for that place.
Maybe you have blocked all your feelings in the past, but your life should not be influenced so much by the thoughts because we know that those feelings are shut down by your mind and not your heart whos the one that actually feels all this shit. let it out, it will hurt? yes but its the best way to heal, because you're scared and the only way to heal it is to rip you apart once more