Chapter 19

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Gloria's POV

"What's up doc?!" I said trying to imitate bugs bunny's voice but obviously failing

"Good to see you haven't changed" said the doctor (Mary)

"Why would I change?!"

"So doctor how is she?" Adrienne asked

"We still need to run some tests but judging by the fact that she's awake and talking she's good" said Dr. Mary

"Whatcha do to me this time doc?!" I asked

"You just had another surgery for your lungs that's all"

"Another?!" said billie shocked "that's all?!"

"Don't worry silly billie that's normal" I said trying to cheer him up. of course I only made tré laugh but I guess it probably might cheer billie up

"Can please shut up tré now is not the time" billie said irritated. ok I guess not.

"Let me explain this to you mr. Armstrong.." started dr. Mary

"No let me tell him" I said " remember billie when I told you I am asthmatic?!" billie nodded "well every time I have an asthma attack my lungs kind of y'know collapse"

"Here we go" Pritchard said

"Shut up mike" I said

"What's he talking about ?!" asked Joey

"Nothing of importance at the moment" I said

"Ahh BeeJ that's where you're wrong" Pritchard said

"Can we get on with it please" billie trying to stay as calm as possible but failing

"Ok then let me finish mike" I said

"Fine go ahead but try not to say y'know a lot because "y'know" they don't know" Pritchard said. I stuck my tongue out at him and continued the story

"Ok so as I was saying when my lugs collapse I need surgery to y'know open them and return them back to normal so when y'know the doctor said another she meant I just had another surgery for my lungs y'know and when she said that's all she means it's no biggie because y'know it's not"

"Ahhhaaaa... so she's fine?!" billie asked the doctor

"Yes she is. now I'm going to call a nurse so we can make a few tests but hopefully she'll be out tomorrow" with that the doctor left.

As soon as she closed the door I started to remove the tubes and shit.

"Woah Gloria what are you doing?!" adie asked

"What does it look like? I'm unhooking myself so I can, y'know, leave" I said removing everything

"Gloria the doctor said you are going to spend the night that means you are going to spend the night" billie said sternly


"No buts"

"Alright fine" I stopped for a minute "but technically you didn't specify which night I will be spending so I will leave now" I said removing them as fast as I can

"Gloria..." adie and billie said at the same time

"Don't bother" Pritchard cut them off "she hates hospitals and she's not going to spend the night" they tried to argue with mike but failed. I finally unhooked myself

"Mike you got my clothes?!"

"Yeah they're in the car Joey can you show me where the car is"

"Sure thing mike" Joey said and they went to the car

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