Chapter 28

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Adie's POV

At three o'clock Grubbs, Bill-E and Mike left. Joey, Jake and Gloria went to sleep. I got into my pijamas and sat down in my bed and opened a magazine. Billie came out of the bathroom wearing his boxers only. He hopped into the bed and took out a couple of sheets and a pencil. Y'know the usual.  Billie likes to go over the songs he's writing before to bed. He feels that sometimes good ideas come before he sleeps. 'When I sleep I dream. Dreams are where imaginations can run wild. So before I sleep my imagination starts. You never know what could come to me at this time' is something Billie told me countless times before when I used to ask him why he would write songs in bed before he sleeps. But now after 19 years of marriage I'm familiar with his 'odd' habbits. 

"Did you have fun with Gloria today?" Billie asked

"hmm?" I asked. He doesn't usually talk when he's 'in the zone'.

"Did you have fun with Gloria today?"

"Oh yes. I had so much fun. I think the best part about today was that for the first time in a really long time I felt like I had a daughter. It felt like she's been with us all these years. It felt like she was in this family ever since she was born and never kidnapped."

"Thats amazing Adie. I'm glad you had some quality time with Gloria"

"I'm glad too. The best part about today though was that Gloria treats me like a mother and actually trusts me."

"Tursts you?" Billie put the papers on his lap and looked at me "What do you mean trusts you? She didn't trust you before?"

"No not like that. I mean that she trusts me with her secrets. Like today she actually opened up to me. She told me a lot of things about her."

"Oh that's amazing... I guess"

"Billie you don't understand. Girls her age don't usually talk to their mothers about their life. They don't usually tell their mothers their secrets."

"Really? In that case then I'm so happy for you."

"I'm happy too. And judging by what I saw today I can see that you and the boys had some quality time as well"

"Yeah. It was nice to take the boys to a ball game. I haven't taken them to any game in a long time."

"Yeah it's been a while since you three spent time together. I'm happy you took them to the game"

"Me too" Billie yawned "well I'm all out of ideas. I'm going to sleep."

"Yeah me too. today was a long day for the both of us" I kissed Billie and went to sleep in Billie's arms.

Gloria's POV

"OMG what have I done?!" I said quietly to myself so no one can hear me.

"I'm in your head and I don't even know what the hell you're saying. Care to clarify?!" said the voice in my head.

"How can I be so stupid?! I didn't mean to say all that crap to Adie. I don't know what happened to me"

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Today at the mall with Adie I told her things I never tell anyone. What have I done?!"

"So you told Adrienne a few things about your past Big whop. If anything this improves your relationship with her"

"I only wanted to spend time with her NOT talk to her about my feelings. If I wanted to talk about my feelings then I would've talked to my friends."

"I don't get what you're so worried about. Adrienne CAN be trusted. It's not like she's going to tell Billie everything."

"It's not Billie I'm worried about."



"What? You said that you trust them."

"I know what I said. But... I'm still having trouble processing this. I mean how is it that they're my parents? It can't be right. I mean I know they're good people, I realy do, but I can't help but have my suspitions. How come I've never heard of this. He's Billie Joe Armstrong. If he really has a daughter don't you think the media would know?!"

"He likes to keep his live as private as possible."

"But if they were really looking for their daughter don't you think they would involve the police with it? And Someone would have discovered it eventually."

"Maybe he hired P.I.s?"

"Maybe but if he really does have a daughter and he really is looking for her then Amanda would know I mean she stalks the guy 24/7"

"Maybe she knows"

"No. If she knew she wouldn't keep it a secret. She would try to make herself appear as his child so she can live with him"

"So what are you planning on doing?"

"The only thing I can do. Find out if I really am their daughter."

"How are you planning on doing that when they showed you the hardcore fact which is your birth certificate?"

"They could've easily faked the certificate. I'm going to go to the one person that could help me"

"And who is that?"



Here you guys go. Another chapter. This is kind of a weird chapter. I honestly wasn't planning on writing this. I was just planning on showing Adie's POV then just go to the next day but for some reason I made this part. It's a weird chapter I know but I think this chapter could be useful later on. I don't know. Post me your comments on this chapter.

So sorry for this weird chapter.

Rage and Love X X

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