The Dream of Happiness

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Your Dream

We are essentially have the same dream. The dream of a good life. We want a nourishing relationships with powerful and loving people, easy life, and happiness. Whatever the forms and the wording, in essence it is always about these three things.

Then they told you that in order to achieve those things you have to be willing to pay the price!

But what a price!

Pain is not the means to happiness, you are deluded by society into thinking that you have to arrive before you can enjoy your life. No! Happiness is not some abstract future thing, it's in the moment! It's about enjoying the walk towards your destination! While your heart is beating now, you are either living the dream or wasting your life.

But how can you enjoy the process if you don't love what you are doing?

What You Really NEED is a Purpose, Not a Dream

We all have the same dream, in essence, because we are the same species coming from the same Soul. Those three things that I have mentioned earlier, they are guaranteed for you if you have a PURPOSE. In fact, the life of purpose is the only way to bring you happiness, good relationships. and ease. And when I say ease I don't mean the life without struggle, it's the feeling of perpetual, inner ease in time of peace and in that time of war.

The life of purpose is the life of duty.

It isn't necessarily fun or easy (no it's legit exhausting), but you are meant to do this. It's the thing that fulfills you and gives you the sense of contentment and achievement.

It's the work of VALUE.

It's maybe the value of justice, rights equality, compassion, meekness. You are the ambassador of that value and you are meant to be the executor of that value on earth, through your works.

If you pursue a dream, you will get just the amount of what you wish. If you are the ambassador of value, the universal dream is guaranteed for you.

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