i can promise you he'll know that it was me that killed you

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**That murderous look in that gif. Yeah. Get ready.

Thank you all for the support. 10 days ago, I was excited about us reaching 9K views. And here we are, on our way to 13K. I love you all, including my silent readers ❤️

♚ ♛

MY BACK HIT THE brick wall hard enough to knock the breath out of me.

"Ahh," I hissed against the heavy weight of the man, a familiar icy sting piercing me with the slice of metal in my shoulder. Before I could attempt to even fight back, he was gone.

Soren flashed across my vision, a dark blur against the metal gate, the two of them scrambling to the pavement. Something inside of me spun with a familiar sickness when they hit the ground hard, the sound of flesh against flesh making me cringe.

I was a killer.

Tears were prickling in the corner of my eyes when Soren finally stood up, the crippled man below us groaning in pain. It was an all too familiar sight, the blood staining the pavement, the heavy scent of gravel mixed with panic and the echoing cries of pain spurring all my movements.

He sent these people to kill me. They were all trying to kill me. Seth really wanted me dead.

For some reason that I couldn't quite explain, that still hurt.

He remained on the ground, his body sprawled in defeat. Soren had broken something in him that I couldn't quite place. I pressed my hand against the cut that he'd made, a sickly warm feeling spreading through me when I pulled it away to see the blood coating my palm. Anger clenched inside of me, making it hard for me to breathe.

Soren sent a sharp kick to his side, clenching his bloody fists together. An angry grunt from the man on the ground made me step forward. If he thought he was angry, he had no fucking idea about me.

A small trail of fire ran along the surface of my skin, the slow trickle of blood only serving to frustrate me more. If he wanted me dead, why wasn't I dead?

We were no match for him? I was going to fucking kill him.

"Tell us," Soren's words were labored as he swiped his wrapped palm across his face. "Tell us where the fuck he is."

"Nobody knows where Seth is. If he wants to be found, he'll find you."

Just like we wanted.

"Oh, I'm counting on it," Soren quipped darkly, "I'm also counting on him finding your fucking fingers across this entire borough." He stepped up beside me, his shadow effectively blanketing the bastard below us. "What do you think? Or should I make sure your fucking hands wash up on the shore in Canarsie?"

Soren kneeled forward, grasping his right hand tightly. There were small tattoos decorating his knuckles. M. V. C. "I wonder..." a sharp crack broke Soren's momentary silence, followed by a cry.

There was no hesitation.

Soren twisted, only eliciting another sharp yelp from the man. "Will he know it's you?" Swiftly, his fingers moved to the man's middle finger and another crack made me wince. Soren didn't even falter, moving to his ring finger. Soren was going to break all of his fucking fingers. "Because I can promise you he'll know that it was me that killed you."

Without fail, there was another bone-crunching crack that sent a cold shiver down my spine.

The man on the ground panted, cursing in Spanish before he coughed drily. "He said you were crazy, but fuck."

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