show him that someone else has what he wants

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**It is 3:18 am. Have a new chapter. If any of you are awake like me 😅


But get ready because shit is about to get real, guys. 🔪

♚ ♛


I could barely process that Adrian had asked me anything as I stepped down onto the sidewalk. My eyes flickered along the entire block, taking in torn awnings and broken windows.

A red line of spray paint slithered along the cracked sidewalk, but it was nothing compared to the crudely drawn tags that ran rampant across each foggy storefront, bleeding out into the familiar crowns.

I spun abruptly, feeling a hand hover over my shoulder.

My gaze slid right past Soren and onto the scrawled red crown that was painted across Adrian's apartment door like a fucking target.


Both men looked more amused than me.

"I guess they'd know it was our turf anyway, huh?" Adrian clipped out dryly, shoving his hands into the pockets of his baggy jeans.

As he surveyed the tag, Soren hummed, trailing his eyes along the street with mild interest. "This is even better. This is fresh. They'll know he's not lying."

"Why would they do this?" I finally gasped, unable to tear my eyes away. It was a target.

They weren't hiding. They weren't running.

They were doing the exact opposite of what I'd been doing for almost 9 fucking months.

Instinct attacked too quickly and I twisted on my heels to run, only for Soren to cage me within his arms. "This is what happens, Lace."

"Why would they do this?" I cried out again.

Over Soren's shoulder, Adrian met my panicked look. "You told them to defend their territory." Some skewed respect flashed through those dark orbs. "They listened to you, Reina."

A gunshot sliced through the heavy air abruptly, jerking me out of Soren's arms. I stumbled back slightly as my vision rocked.

Glass shattering. A cry.

Something blurry and blue streaked through my peripheral view as another shot broke through the summer night.

Thundering through my ears, I swiveled to see a man fall into a heap along the sidewalk. A cry of victory bled into the atmosphere, but my own seemed to overpower it.

Soren stepped in front of me, obscuring my vision of the melting colors. Red and blue.

I blinked rapidly, taking in the new color palette that always came with Soren. Black and tan.

Green. Green.

It was the only thing that could calm me down. My eyes shifted up to his instantly, trying to burn that hue to memory. It was the only shade I liked anymore.


"Lace." That was all he bit out before tucking me under his arm and started walking.

Every rushed footstep rattled my heart as Soren lead us into the nearest alley, cursing when flames engulfed the other side.

"Ay, carajo," Adrian muttered. "Dumpster fires."

I could only focus on the flames licking the hazy backdrop of Bushwick, swallowing the side of the building. "It's going to catch. The buildings are going to catch."

Crash and Burn (1)Where stories live. Discover now