Chapter 17

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Jason Pov

"Get up we are busy today." Simon bursting in my room. I got up waiting for him to spank me. "What are you standing there for get dressed." he said. "Aren't you going to spank me" I asked weirdly. He grabbed me and landed one hard smack. "ow" I said. "Now get dressed I will give you a spanking when we get back. happy now." he said. "not really" I said putting my clothes on. I guess he was in a hurry. We left out the door. "why didn't you just leave me at home like you always do." I asked confused. "Because this is a family matter I would bring your sister to but she has school." he said. "ok what is it." I asked. "well I'm adopting a kid." Simon said driving. I didn't respond. "it's about a two hour drive so sit back and relax." he said. I had a lot questions but I figured they will be answered once I saw the kid.

We were here the building said Sunshine Orphanages similar to the one I went to. I hated the place. They were mean people. "come on J" Simon said. I got out of the car. We went inside. I guess the kids were at school because the place had no kids in sight. "Hello I called last night." Simon said to the lady at the desk. "the one how called around midnight. Caxton right." she asked. "yes mam and I am sorry for that." Simon said. "just fill out these papers I will go get Caxton" she said ignoring Simon apology. She left. "She is rude." I said. "I know but it good to kill people with kindest." Simon said. I nodded. The kid name was Caxton. He got a cool name. Caxton. I saw the women with a small kid around 6 or 7 . He looked like me but not like me. "Hey Caxton I'm Simon " Simon said. "Hey" Caxton said. "umm well I am Jason your big brother." I said feeling awkward. "How about you help Caxton with his stuff and get to the car." Simon said trying to fill out the papers. I nodded. "Lead the way Cax." I said giving him a nickname. He faked a smile and went to his room. "you scared." I asked. "Yea a little." He said being honest. "there's nothing to be scared of I will protect you after all you are my little brother right." I said smiling at him. "Yea I guess." Caxton said. "little bro you gotta be confident or at least act it." I said patting him in the back. "ow" he whimpered. Did I hit him that hard. "sorry lil bro did I hurt you" I said lifting up his shirt. "No" he said trying to stop me. He had bruises all over his back they looked about three to two days old. I hugged him tightly and carried him out the room. "Go hop in the car." Simon said looking up from the papers. I carried him to the car. "Are you going to tell Simon." he asked. "that's not for me to tell. I know how it feels. My uncle did the same thing to me but he made this cream to put on my scars. They would disappear in a day or two. I got some at the house." I said. "Thanks" he said. "no problem lil bro your secrets are safe with me. I hope mine are safe with you." I said hoping they were. "yea they are I promise." he said holding out his pinky. We pinky swear. " Is Simon nice?" Caxton asked. "yea if you obey the rules." I said. "Will he beat me if I don't." he asked. "no but he will spank you but only because he loves you ok." I said trying not to make him nervous. "yea I understand my grandpa did that a lot to me when I kept getting in trouble at school." He said. "he dead." I asked without thinking. "yea died last year. He was chasing after me in the backyard then he just fell. They wouldn't tell me what happened.My mom and dad took me back home. Grandpa said it wasn't safe for me to live with them but he died and couldn't protect me any more. I think I'm happy my parents died and I wish I wasn't. They used to be good but they changed a lot. They were dead to me before my grandpa died." he said spilling out his emotions. "I bet they still love you no matter what" I said. "yea I doubt it. I just happy to be a kid again." he said. A kid again and he was happy. I was always happy when I was a kid. That will just make me weak. 'Do you really believe that.' a unfamiliar voice said in my head. I looked at Caxton he was staring at the stone angel. I looked at it and smiled. "yea your absolutely right lil bro." I said. Simon opened the door. "Caxton you are officially my legal son." Simon said driving off. "do I get to keep my last name." Caxton asked. "if you want bud." Simon said smiling. "yea I do." Caxton said looking out the window.

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