For any of you who think this is moving too fast, remember this is Harry telling a story, and some stuff is just left out because there's really no need to explain it because it's not really relevent. And remember that it has been a year since they met and eight months since they started dating. Just wanted to clear that up! ENJOY!!!
A few weeks passed, then it was Lou's eighteenth birtday. Yeah...he was older than me. But that just made us more perfect because I was dating someone older. Don't judge.
But anyway, his birthday had arrived and everyone was ecstatic. Our mum's were teasing us and saying, "The love birds' first time being together on Louis' birthday."
Now, I know couples were supposed to give eachother space sometimes, but Lou and I never did that. We would always be together. And since there were no school systems on our small side of England, we didn't get to go to highschool. But that didn't bother us one bit because that meant staying up later with eachother every night.
"Are you ready to open Harry's present?" Jay asked, handing Louis a rather heavy box.
Louis stood up from my lap and grabbed the present, immediately starting to tear it open. When he got most of the paper off there was a white box, which he tore open, revealing three medium sized books on top of wrapping paper.
Louis looked at his mother, confused.
"I'm so excited to finally give this to you," I said, smiling.
Louis still looked confused, but he gave me a kind smile and started taking the books out of the box.
I looked over at Jay and smiled, because of course those books weren't his present. They were just something to weigh the box down. But now, all we're waiting for, is for Louis to find the real present.
"I helped him pick it out," Jay said.
He turned around and faced me, looking hurt.
I felt bad now, and I couldn't take it anymore. "Well? Aren't you gonna open the rest?"
Now Louis was just lost.
"C'mere baby," I said quietly.
He slowly walked over to me and sat on my lap.
I rested my chin on his shoulder and wrapped my arms lightly around his waist, as he started tearing the tissue paper. There was an envelope at the bottom of the box with his present in it.
He craned his neck back to look at me and I nodded for him to go on.
Louis picked up the envelope and tore it open, looking inside. "A-airline t-t-tickets?" He asked, looking at me surprised.
Our mums were staring at us and smiling with admiration in their eyes.
"Yeah baby. Look," I said, reaching down in the envelope and pulling the two tickets out, letting him read the desination.
"P-Puerto Rico?" Louis whispered, shifting on my lap so he could look at me.
I rested my forehead against his and closed my eyes. "We're leaving tomorrow."
"Hazza," He whispered, so quietly that I could barely hear it. "How did you-."
"Don't worry about it Lou. I've talked to our mums about it and we have everything sorted out," I whispered, resting my hand on his cheek.
I swear I heard a camera snap, but I didn't look up because I didn't think it was physically possible to do so in that moment.
"Are you serious?" Louis whispered, grabbing my hand and lacing our fingers together.

Hide Away (Larry Fanfiction)
FanfictionMy name isn't really all that important right now. But I might as well tell you because you'll have to find out sooner or later. I'm Harry Styles, and I'm gay. I have been my whole life. I lost the love of my life sixty-four years...