Chapter 8

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So to make stuff short, we found Jay three days later. Over the four days she was missing Louis was absolutely broken. I couldn't really seem to cheer him up in any way. Once I told him she was missing he completely blocked me out and locked himself in the guest room. I brought him snacks every few hours that he quickly snatched out of my hands once he opened the door then slammed it again.

But when we finally figured out where Jay was we were shocked. She was in a hospital just south of London. The LPD called us and told us. When we went to pick her up she said she couldn't even remember why she had gone out in her car so late. All she could remember was coming to a quick stop on the free way and glass going everywhere. Personally, I didn't think she was telling the truth but Louis begged to differ. He was just happy to have his mum back.

Right now though, all four of us are sitting at my dining room table eating dinner. Jay was still apologizing to Louis for not being there when he needed her most. Mum kept trying to start another conversation but it always just went back to that. We just wanted to pretend that these five day's past events never happened. I mean, Louis is seventeen years old. He's had to go through so much and he just needs to get his mind off of it all.

" you think me and Lou can go out to a film?"

Louis looked at me and gave me the same look he did the first time we went to eat with our mums.


"Of course. Jay and I need to talk about some stuff anyway. You boys have fun."

Well that was easy.

I jumped out of the wooden chair i was sitting in and grabbed Louis' wrist, dragging him to the door, ignoring his protests.


I finally stopped and looked at him. "Yeah?"

"C-could we d-do something else?" He asked nervously.

I pulled on my shoes and unlocked the door. "Anything you want Lou," I said, smiling at him.

He thought for a second. "E-ehm...I was wondering if we could just-uhm- I-I just."

I pulled him into a hug and rested my chin on the top of his head. "I'm up for anything."

Louis took a deep breath then looked up at me. "I-I just...c-could we talk?"

I raised my eyebrow. "What?"

"L-like....S-stay h-here and t-talk."

What? What does he want to talk about? Did I do something wrong? Does he not like me? Does he not wanna be friends?

"Uh..yeah sure," I said hesitantly, slipping my shoes back off and walking into the kitchen, Louis walking closely behind me. "Mum, we decided that we're just gonna stay here. We'll be upstairs."

She gave me a questioning look. Before she could say anything to me I quickly backed out of the kitchen and ran upstairs, tightly grasping Louis' wrist.

"Alright Lou. Is there something wrong?" I asked, once we sat on my bed and leaned back against the head board.

He shook his head. "No..I just...wanna talk i-is all."

I sighed in relief then looked at him again. "What is it Lou?" I smiled.

I noticed his breathing start to quicken. "W-well...y-you're gonna think I'm crazy."

I rested my hand on his knee. "No I won't Lou."



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