Chapter 3

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(Harry's POV)

They've been living next to us for three weeks now. I haven't spoken to Louis like I told his mum I would. It's not that I don't want to. I definitely want to. It's just..I'm afraid. I'm afraid of the government. They watch everyone like hawks and if you get caught your whole life is basically up to them because of one stupid law. To tell you the truth, it pisses me off. So what, I like boys. It's exactly the same as a man liking women. Exactly. You know, except for the same gender part. But other than that it's the same. That's what makes me so mad. Men are allowed to love women. Woman are allowed to love men. But men can't love men and women can't love women.

And right now I kind of want to shoot myself because my mom is going over to their house to help Louis' mom with garden work. That's not the reason I'm mad. I'm mad because she's dragging me along with her because she says I need to get to know him better. Ever since I told her that I liked him, she's bugging me to find out why I like him. I mean I don't even know why I do. It's just the first time I saw him I sort of felt something. I haven't had a decent conversation with him yet so my mum keeps reminding me that that's my goal for the day. I walked downstairs and Mum was waiting by the door. "Ok. Lets get this over with," I said. She sighed and opened the door. "Please be nice to him. And remember, Jay told us that he has severe asthma, alright? So don't get all weird if he has to keep using an inhaler," I just nodded, thinking about what happened the night they moved in. Mum slightly smiled and closed the door, making her way to the Tomlinson's yard. I walked slowly behind her hoping I would make it to their house slower. Of course, sense they live next door that's kind of impossible because I'm already at their front door, standing next to my mum. She knocked lightly on the door and Jay answered. "Ahh, Anne. Thanks for coming. It's nice to see you again Harry," She said smiling, and letting us walk in. "You too," I said, politely before sitting down on the couch and grabbing my phone out of my pocket. "Ok. So I guess we can get started now," Jay said, walking toward the door that leads to the backyard. "Ok," My mum said. She turned to me and frowned. "Harry," She said sternly. "What?" I asked, looking away from my phone. "Stop being rude and go talk to Louis," She said. "But, I don't know where his room is," I said. Ok, that was probably the worst excuse I could have used. "I'm sure you can find it. Now go," She said sternly, walking to the backyard. I sighed and walked up the stairs into the hallway. There were two doors on each side of the wall. I tried the first one on the right. Nope. Just the bathroom. A very clean one, I might add. I decided to knock on the next door because I don't just want to walk in on him.

I knocked on it and waited for a response. There wasn't one. So, I went to the next one and knocked on it. I heard shuffling behind the door and then the knob started to jiggle. I stuck my hands in my pockets. The door opened just a crack and I could see he was looking through it. "Uhm..hi," I said, taking my hand out of my pocket and awkwardly waving toward the door. He didn't move. "I was just wondering if I could- uhm, come in?" I said, getting kind of nervous because of his stare. He still didn't move. Well, this is awkward. "Uh..nevermind. I'll uhm- I'll just go," I said, quickly walking toward the stairs and making my down them into the living room. 'God, he's adorable', I thought. "I told you to stop talking to yourself," My conscience said. My eyes widened. "Did I say that out loud?" I whispered. "No. Just wanted to freak you out," It said. I rolled my eyes and sat down in their recliner, resting my head on the back of it and closing my eyes. It felt like hours before my Mum and Jay walked back in. And let me tell ya', my Mum did not look happy. Her face turned from happy to furious in an instant when she saw me sprawled out in the recliner. "Harry. Where's Louis?" She said harshly, but nicely, because Jay was in the room. "He wouldn't let me in his room," I said quietly.

Jay sighed and walked to the bottom of the stairs. "Louis!" She yelled. I heard a door close and gentle footsteps coming down the stairs. When he saw my Mum and I, he stopped on the last stair. "Sweetie," Jay said softly, cupping his cheek. "I'm s-sorry mum," He said nervously. "It's alright Sweet. You're not in trouble. But Harry really wants to get to know you," She said. I bit my lip and looked at him, smiling a little. He just frowned. "H-he won't l-like me," Louis whispered. Jay looked into his eyes. "Yes he will, Sweet," She said softly. Louis looked at me, then looked back at Jay, shaking his head. "A b-boy l-like that won't l-like me," He whispered. A boy like what? Does he think I'm mean? Does he think I'm ugly? Jay sighed and put her hand on Louis' back and walked him in front of my Mum and I. My mum smiled at him and I smiled a little too. He looked so nervous, like he was about to cry. "Get up. Hug him," My conscience said. I slowly stood up in front of him. He looked even more nervous than before. "It's ok," I said softly. He looked at his mum. "Do it," My conscience whispered. I wrapped my arms around him and rested my chin on his shoulder. "I wanna be your friend," I whispered. He shook his head into my chest and pulled away from me. The next think I knew he was running back up the stairs and slamming his door shut.


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