Chapter 5 : Pain

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''{not part of this chapter}''( guys so sorry i haven't updated in a while i had the chapters ready to publish but never did it pls forgive me)

"Hey! Mizuki give it back!" Shouted a boy with black hair that looked to be nine or ten chasing a girl with silver hair, who looked to be ten or eleven and held a wooden sword. "No way, I told you to stop taking my things without asking! And there no way, I would let you touch the sword that daddy gave me, Hajime!" The little girl called Mizuki yelled at the little boy called Hajime. Sesshomaru watched in total bewilderment at the two children, they looked similar to Kagome and him. He wondered if this was something of his future offspring with Kagome, though he was truly surprised to see a little girl, but Hajime was what he planned to name is his first born son, not a runt from the litter.

"Mizuki, Hajime, what are you two fighting about now?" Sesshomaru turned around to see Kagome and himself. Kagome was pregnant, but was far bigger than she was at the moment and he had not changed in another way, but for the smile on his face. Mizuki run over to them, showing him her ocean blue eyes. "Hajime took my sword again, mom, daddy and after I asked him not to several times." The girl complained with a pout. Sesshomaru watched as the smile on his face turned into a frown and was directed at Hajime. "Hajime, that is not the behaviour that I expect from one of my sons. You have your own sword; I see no reason to why you must take your sister's sword. You are to tell your sister that you were in the wrong to take it and say that you are sorry, am I understood?"

"Yes, Father." Hajime said just as Sesshomaru woke up from the dream. He looked at Kagome, asleep in his arms and her swollen abdomen moving with their child's kicks; Kagome groaned in her sleep. The child's kicks were interfering with his mother's rest again, Kagome loved it when their child kicked her when they were awake, but hated how it was hard for her to sleep with the kicking. Sesshomaru knew what to do to stop their child, the baby always kicked stopping with they were having a breeding session or when Sesshomaru rubbed Kagome's abdomen and kissed it as well.

He didn't know why, but it calmed their child when he did so and it calmed him as well when he was in a bad mood or the minor Lords had annoyed him with stupid things. Kissing his child through its mother's skin calmed the baby and made him happy for some reason. "I wish to see you soon, my son."


Kagome sat in the music room and some paper and ink so to write a song at Sesshomaru's mother's request, started playing the Koto like always. The music that slept within the instrument awake with her touch, the silence room pulsed with every note that she play. Her baby was calm as she played like it wished to hear the music that its mother played, the baby would kick when she would stop to write down the notes for the song, clearly telling its mother that it wanted more of the beautiful music.

Kagome was so lost to the music and the song writing that she didn't even notice when Sesshomaru and Sakura had entered and sat down to listen to her play. Sesshomaru listened to her play, lost to the music like his child was, he had never heard something that was so raw and beautiful at the same time, it was like it was her music mirrored her emotions, telling him of the depths of her fear and worry as well as her joy and happiness for their child; Sesshomaru felt like her music was meant for the god's alone. Sakura lend against Sesshomaru, her jealousy and hatred for Kagome and her talent hidden behind a blank face. She saw that Kagome played with her eyes closed, opening them only when she turned to write down the notes, never noticing that they were there.

But they both with amazed and in awe of her musical gift.

Watching Kagome's every move, she slipped her hand into Sesshomaru's Sashinuki Hakama to take hold of his shaft. Sesshomaru glanced down at Sakura, annoyed that she would do this when Kagome was play, but didn't stop her from continuing, he clearly needed to punish his mate for her attempts to get him hard for her when all he wanted was to listen to Kagome's playing. Kagome continued to play unaware of the sexual act going on in front of her as the two were silence.

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