Bite >.<

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The night is getting darker and you are still walking in the woods. Maybe this short-cut wasn't the best idea.... You're lost. You can only hear your own footsteps, crunching on the dry leaves beneath you but you only feel yourself getting deeper and deeper into the darkness and mystery of the forest.


A twig snaps behind you and you swear you hear a breathy laugh but when you turn you see nothing. Walking slightly quicker now you search for any kind of exit. You think you see a light but you're suddenly distracted by a pale hand on your shoulder. You scream for your life, shaking in fear, what the fuck is going on?!

??? : Screaming won't help, beautiful.

His voice is soft but dark, it's not trustworthy, it's hungry.

"W-Who are you? !"

Arms slip around your waist and you feel hot breath against your neck that sends shivers down your spine.

???: "I am Lord Min, leader and master of all vampires, but you can call me Yoongi since you won't live to tell anyone else."

He chuckles darkly behind you, and you feel some lips against your neck making your breath hitch.

"I-I'm not going to l-live..?"

Yoongi: Oh no sweetie, of course not. You're my meal and I'm starving...

He licks your neck, his arms tightening around you possessively.

Yoongi:... You don't stand a chance.

That was all you heard before you felt a sharp pain in your neck, to say it hurt was an understatement. You felt your existence being taken away from you drop by drop.

His hum of satisfaction was the last thing you heard before the darkness closed around you and you were gone.


Ahhhhh i love fantasy so much, sorry its taken so long to update but things happened at school and home and everywhere and i just haven't had the motivation but ig i read so much stuff here i had inspiration.

I did make another book but i unpublished that since it was shittyyyyy haha

Anyway yeah I'm sorry if this isn't great, i haven't done it in a while but i adore your support even if i don't deserve it ehehehehe

Ily guys 💕💕

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I wanna know, what's your favourite fantasy creature and which bts member could you see as them?

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