It was another day getting ready for Gucci Gang high. I smile at my new out fit in the mirror, pretty impressed. I grab my bag and head down stairs to see that my mom wasn't in the kitchen. I look in the living room and the tv was on with her sleeping on the couch.
"Guess I'm riding the bus." I say
I understand she works hard, and last night she didn't come home til late. I cover her up and kiss her forehead before leaving out the door quietly. I Lock the door behind me and start to put my black Beat headphones on. The bus stop is at the end of the street.
I look over at pump house and he outside sitting on the hood of his car with his book bag on. His attire was slump today, like he really didn't try but he still pulled the look off.
"Hey Mantii," He says walking up to me
"Hello gazzy." I say still walking
"Man stop the shit." He walk over to me "where you going?"
"To school," I say ignoring how close he was walking beside me
"Yo, you riding the bus?"
"Yea." I say looking through my phone to pick a song
I was really tryna give him the cold shoulder.
"Look stop." He say stepping in front of me causing me to look up at him "let me take you school, I'll even take you by Starbucks."
"How you know I like Starbucks?" I fold my arms
"I see you drink it in class." He shrugs
"You don't even be in first period." I state
"Look you gone argue or get your ass in the car?"
"Only because you getting me Starbucks." I say as we walk back towards his car
"This your car?" I analyze the black and sleek vehicle in front of me
"Yea, " He unlocks it
"Why you always riding with other people?" I say once we get in and buckle up
"Because we be going out, smoking and shit." He starts the car up
"Right," I say kinda annoyed
The only flaw I see with this man is that he smokes. I hate the fact of smoking weed, cigarettes or any other nicotine product.
Barbie dreams by nicki minaj came on the radio and I gasp in surprise.
"This my shit!" I turn it up
He laughs putting a blunt to his lips and rolls down his window.
"Drake worth a hundred Millie stay buying me shit, ion know if the pussy wet or if he crying or shit, Meek still be in my DMs I be having to duck him, 'I used to pray for times like this face ass when I fuck him." I scream the lyrics
"Damn you feeling it," pump laughs out loud
"I be feeling like I'm dissing them." I laugh "like she really went in on this track."
" We should make a song together." He puffs out some smoke
"Are you serious?" I look at him in awe
"For sure, you got talent and I got talent. Our song would hit number one on the Billboard charts."
"Ion know about all that." I look out the window
"I got the connections." He says taking another puff
"We'll see." I smile
I can't have my hopes up, especially messing with pump. I can't really trust him, I haven't known him long. I love making raps and just doing it would be fun and lit. It's like when I get in the studio or in the mode I have a whole different persona.

The New Girl (lil pump/killumantii)
Teen FictionMantii is new at Gucci Gang High School and she sees the class clown and school wide known popular ,lil pump. She falls in love with him but can it get toxic ?