The fact that you could tell 6ix 9ine was enjoying every minute of this pissed me off. The whole night he would make slick remarks causing Pump to say something sarcastic back out loud. It was like our parents couldn't tell that they didn't like each other, they were so in conversation.
While my mom was putting the dishes in the sink I grab lil pump and excused us from the table. We stand in the little hallway away from their eye sight.
"What are doing?" I whisper yell
"Why didn't you tell me it was this nigga?"
"I didn't know I thought my mom said he was 8!"
"Yea fucking 18!" He says
"If you keep letting him get under your skin, your going to ruin this moment with my mom."
He doesn't say nothing.
"I really need this night to succeed baby." I grab his face and align it with mine "please just don't let him get to you."
He stares at me before turning his head looking in the direction of the dinning room.
"I can't eat at table with a nigga I don't like." He grits his teeth slapping my hand away
"Grow up!" I hiss "It's just dinner, that's it!"
He shakes his head, before storming off without another word and I hear the chair scrape indicating he sat back down.
I lean my back against the wall and rub a hand against my face. I understand that pump has some type of rivalry with the dude but why can't he just act right. I let out a sigh of frustration not realizing that 6ix 9ine was in front of me.
"You ok?"
"I'm fine." I roll my eyes
"Your boyfriend don't seem fine. Like he got a problem." He laughs
"Yea. You. You are the problem." I turn on my heel to leave
He grabs my arm in tight squeeze causing me to gasp in surprise. Once he realizes he lets go and throws his hands up in surrender.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to...I just want to know what did I do?"
"For you to give me the cold shoulder." He has his hands in his pockets now
"I um..."
The look he was giving me, I didn't want to hurt his feelings. He was such a sweetheart and the events of the night we had together ran through my mind. I begin to smile and I see him watching me, so I bite my lip instead to keep him from seeing it.
"What?" He smirks
I shake my head "nothing."
"You look good tonight." He steps closer to me
His expression changes into lust.
"T-Thank you." I say watching him as he licks his lips
Tonight he was wearing a collard shirt and his hair was in two braids, and I have to say it looked really good on him.
"What you thinking about?" He whispers
"I-" I begin to speak but when I felt his chest pressed against mine all words deceased
"You thinking of me?" He says leaning down
In a quick movement his hands snake around my waist. He lifts me up against the wall and my legs instantly wrap around him.
"Tell me, baby." He whispers against my ear causing shivers down my back
He runs his hands on my arms before pinning them above my head on the wall. He licks his lips looking at my breast as my breathing makes my chest heave up and down.

The New Girl (lil pump/killumantii)
TeenfikceMantii is new at Gucci Gang High School and she sees the class clown and school wide known popular ,lil pump. She falls in love with him but can it get toxic ?