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For others, it was a prince being a knight and shining armor and a beautiful princess waiting to be saved by his prince. And they will live happily ever after.

But in reality, it was not. People, things... come and go. If they wanted to leave, let them. The more you hold them, the it slips away. So all of us should just go with the flow. Let what is in need to happen, happens.

As for me.that time... I thought, maybe my own kind of fairytale happens when I'm still oblivious about it. And it all started... when I saw you.

Wearing those maroon jogging pants, a simple white t-shirt, a pair of overused rubber shoes and a backpack hanging on your shoulders. You're on the school's registrar office. I was just passing by, and somehow we caught each others eye.

'Geez. He's cute. But I think he's gay.' I said at the back of my head when I noticed how his fingers moved like some sort of projection.

November 24, 20**. The first time I saw him. The day where my plain life turns colorful. Hence, I didn't know that those colours will fade too.

Second semester, start of new classes. I was 17 back then, too innocent and naive.

He was a transferee. I never thought that he's the guy I saw on the Registrar. The only guy whom my eyes caught for almost two years studying here.

Wearing a checkered black and white polo, jeans, a pair of rubber shoes and he's backpack on his right shoulder. 'He sure do love backpacks huh.' I said on my mind.

Never did I know, kilala pala siya ng mga kaklase ko. They attended same school back in high school. Simula ng araw na malaman ko na kilala pala siya ng mga ito, at kaibigan niya rin ang ibang kaibigan ko, my eyes had never leave him.

During our NSTP period. Lumapit sya sa amin. I was seating soundly with my college best friend, Eeya. He sits on the chair in front of me and faced me.

He called my best friend. "Eeya, kamukha niya si Jillian. 'Yung kaklase natin noong high school."

"Hindi ah. Mas maganda siya. Haha. Diba?" My college best friend defended and looked at me.

"Haha. Weh? Pero kamukha niya talaga. Matangos lang kasi ang ilong niya kesa kay Jillian. Tingnan mo nga kasi."

"Hindi sabi. Saka may dimples si Sophia."

I just smiled at them. And they continued what they're doing. I'm not the type of person who talks endless. I only talk when I am asked to. But I suddenly felt something struck my heart. He sees me as somebody he used to know, not as me. But that was fine, I guess. I set aside those.

As time goes by, we became close friends because of Eeya. We're always together, laughing, caring, and such. We've become each other's company. If one of us is on such place, the other one was needed to be there too.

Days have come that he expresses much more care and affection on me than everybody. But just being the naive and innocent. I set those aside. Wala lang 'yon. That's what I have on my mind even if he's showing something more.

By the moth of January, we became more close. Close to the fact that Eeya seems to be the third wheel on us, or sometimes being away from us kasi sa iba naming kaibigan siya sumasama. I don't know what happened but it's that way.

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