You can't choose!!!!
It is a game and your the toy for once, and your being played in right and wrong
But then your the one to control and lead the game ,but it turns out you don't know which one to choose between the two, because one of them makes...
~After some time, Yoongi came inside the room that i was in~
~He apprached me and sat beside me~
Yoongi: Are you okay?
•No... I-I'm not okay...
~He sighed as he embraced me~
Yoongi: Y/n... right now I know that your sad ,but I want you to know that I love you so much! And the fact you go back to Jungkook makes me break into thousands of pieces...
~I kept in silence as I suddenly even stopped crying by his words and looked at him~
Yoongi: After all that happened, I can't let Jungkook wins you again... I left you for once because I though that I can't make you happy ,but he can... and after all this pain you went through because of him, I think he won't again, I really Love you Y/n... I really do!
~I hugged him so deep that I was so fluttered by his words ,but... Jungkook has his rights too, He went through alot because of me and all I did was cheat on him~
~Everything is so hard... I can't choose between them~
~Now that even this creepy thing came apon us about Jin or whatever is, I need both of them...~
~I can't choose!~
~Then the doorbell rang that snapped me out of my thoughts~
•Who is it?
Yoongi: I told Taehyung to bring over Bff/n, so you won't feel alone, You both gotta stay here for today until I'll think of something.
•Thank you... I wanted to see her for a moment...
~He smiled to me and kissed my forehead~
Yoongi: I have to go, Love you.
•I love you too...
~We both got up and went to the livingroom as Yoongi opened the door and Bff/n ran into my arms making me to start crying~
Bff/n: Oh my god, Are you okay?.....
~I kept crying without saying a word~
Bff/n: I didn't understand the whole situation after Taehyung took me home...
~She helped me to sit on the couch as I explained everything to her one by one~
~Yoongi's P.O.V~
~I went outside and saw Taehyung infront of his car with a serious face~
Yoongi: So what shall we do? We have to keep Y/n safe from Jin.
Taehyung: I don't really think that I care anymore
~I was confused by his words and turned to him~
Yoongi: What are you talking about Tae?
~He let out an ironic giggle~
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Taehyung: You still really wanna keep up with her? After she said she loves Jungkook?
Yoongi: Tae, she went through alot.
Taehyung: Yeah she is so innocent!
~I started to get angry at his words~
Yoongi: Stop it Tae, what's wrong with you?
Taehyung: That is it Yoongi, What is wrong with YOU? She loves both of you, how can you react to that? Both of you are always fighting for her ,but you two were never like that...
Yoongi: Everything will be fine again Tae, trust me
Taehyung: Huh, I'll see
Yoongi: Let's keep an eye on what Jin is up to, He may have escaped jail... again.
Taehyung: Shall we first keep an eye on J-hope? As he was the first one we suspected
Yoongi: How?
Taehyung: I don't know
~I thought for some time~
Yoongi: I think I have a plan
~Y/n's P.O.V~
Bff/n: Ohhh... I see now what happened... but... Y/n, How can you still say you love Jungkook when you love Yoongi?...
•I know!! I am just confused, my whole mind is complicated... I need help....
~Bff/n leaned and hugged me~
Bff/n: Don't take things hard on yourself ,just think very carefully...
~I hugged her back~
•But I just lied to Jungkook.... My mom always told me not to lie... and I just broke the promise I did with her as a kid...
Bff/n: It's okay Y/n.. everyone does mistake..
•But.. it's not and never the same...
Bff/n: Let's just wait for some time and first understand the situation that is happening now about Jin or something...
~I nodded and pulled myself from her to look at her~
•What about Taehyung? I think he is mad because he just left...
Bff: Y-yeah well... he just didn't clearly understand situation otherwise he is not angry...
•I know he is just sick of me when I said I love Jungkook
~Bff/n became silent for some time as tears formed in my eyes~
Bff/n: No he is not! He just didn't understand...
•It's all my fault... Everything is!...
~Tears ran down my eyes and Bff/n immediately hugged me~
Bff/n: No... Y/n be strong!.. it's not all your fault... things just happen
~I kept crying~
Bff/n: Come on Y/n... don't make me sad... Your mom don't want to see you cry...
~I started to feel better at Bff/n's words~
•I-i think your right...
Bff/n: For now, let's keep things simple, you probably haven't eaten... let's eat, I brought clothes for you to shower and i will also be with you for some time
•What about your parents?
Bff/n: Ofcourse they let me to, my mom was your mom's best friend, so she understand everything...
•Thank you Bff/n... for everything, even for your existance!
~Bff/n giggled as I got up and showered myself, ate with Bff/n and then slept, Hoping tommorow to go fine~