"I Love You"

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This chapter contains a sex part, so after (*****) this signs in the story, it means it's there!!!!!

~The tone of Jungkook's voice made me angry as he announced that i must choose~

~I may love him ,but i will not let him control me in this way~

~I approached him aggresively and looked at him in his eyes, answering with all the courage left in me~

•Do you know what Jungkook... Go fuck yourself.. or better go fuck that nasty bitch you trust so much

~He was shocked by my sentece and openened his mouth to say something ,but i didn't give him the chance~

•Get out of my house NOW~

~My tone was loud and cold as i looked away to hide my pain~

~He left made me collapsed on the floor, letting tears burst out~

~That was the final hit~

~The Jungkook i loved was gone i could do nothing to bring him back~

~Yoongi runs out toward me and took me in his hug~

•H-he didn't believe me, I-i lost him...

~He didn't say anything, he just held me in his hug waiting for me to calm down~

~After few minutes later, i stopped crying and just enjoyed the serenity i felt by Yoongi's presence~

Yoongi: I have an idea...

~He said, lifting my head with his fingers to look at him~

Yoongi: Let's spend the night at my house, so that you can feel more comfortable and more at ease that staying here alone...


~We gave Bff/n and Naeun a ride to thier place after i indured them that i will be fine and then went to Yoongi's house~

~Once i arrived at Yoongi's house, i went to the guest room~

~I let my stuff there and laid on the bed thinking all of this mess that happened between me and Jungkook~

~The whole situation dissapointed and hurted me alot~

~Yoongi was standing at the door and took me out of my thoughts by speaking up~

Yoongi: How's my kitty doing?

~I sat up and smiled at him~

•Fine... just relaxing

~And thinking of how shitty my life is...~

Yoongi: Do you know what i like to do in order to relax? ,Swim... wanna come?

~He said and gave me a silly smile~

•I'm not in the mood and i don't have my swimsuit with me either

Yoongi: *signs* it's okay kitty...

~He walked up to me and bending over, softly pecked my forehead~

Yoongi: If you change your mind though, there is a swimsuit in the bathroom

~I look him deep in the eyes a nodded to him "okay"~

~He gave me one last kiss on the cheek and left~

~I laid back on the bed, sighing loudly and closed my eyes for a moment~

•I can't just sit here and expect everything will fix... Jungkook made his decision and i need to move on or else i'll go crazy, maybe i should try relaxing like Suga does

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