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~My P.O.V~

~I slowly opened my eyes and looked around myself ,but it was all dark~

•W-where am I?....

~I fully opened my eyes and found myself in a really dark room which scared me so much~

•Oh.. my god!! What just happened?!.....

~I cried~

~After some time the door opened and somone came in~

???: Your awake?

•W-who are y-you?..

~He grabbed me and pushed me out of the room~


~Under the light I could see someone and... it was J-hope!~

•J-hope?!..... Please... why are you doing this?

~He ignored my question and kept going while I tried to escape from his grip~

~I screamed a little ,but then he pushed me hard to the wall and covered my mouth~

J-hope: Shhhh!! Look Y/n.. As much as I hated to do this.. ,but I- I can't..


~A tear rolled down my face as his eyes started to get at ease ,but I could tell he was sad too~

J-hope: That's it... predict the end..


~I was confused at what he said and so scared at the same time~

~He pulled me inside a room~

~There was someone sitting at a chair and then turned around with a smirk~

???: Sooo, what do we have here?

•W-what do you want from me?.. please...

???: Isn't obvious sister?


~I looked at him confused~

???: Wow! You really can't remember me do you?


???: Well, I'm here for revenging on our father or which I say YOUR father who killed my innocent mother ,which finally I found you

~I looked at him for a while and then brings flashback in my mind which gives me a huge shock~

~My whole body felt numb and fell on the floor~

•S-s-seok J-jin?!?!

Him? Or Him? |Completed|Where stories live. Discover now