Missed me princess?

452 32 7

~I started to get trembling ,but then tried to keep it cool and turned around with a smile~

•Y-yes? I'm am good and you?

J-hope: I'm good too!

~He smiled to me~

~Shall we go and walk in the garden?

•Yes sure!

~We went outside to the garden and walked~

J-hope: Why are you nervous?

•M-me? No I'm fine.. There's nothing wrong!

J-hope: Okay

~We were silent for some moment~

J-hope: You know Taehyung?

~Then in my earpiece I heard a voice, It was Taehyung~

Taehyung: Say no Y/n!

•No, no i don't

J-hope: Really? Then how did you know him that time?

~I became silent ,but then spoke~

•L-like o-ofcourse I do know him, he is a student in my class.

J-hope: Oh really?

~His expression becamme fierce as a glitching sound was in my ear making me put my hand on it~

J-hope: What's wrong?


~He reached his hand to my ear and grabbed the earpiece~

~He smirked widely making me scared a little~

J-hope: Sooo, the little birds threw a plan huh?


~I backed up and tried to run ,but with a quick move, he grabbed my arm and pulled me inside his grip~

J-hope: Trying to run princess?


~I kept shouting ,but no use ,I didn't saw Taehyung as then I knew I'm dead~

J-hope: Stop shouting princess, no one will help you


~He grabbed me tightly and pulled me outside the school while covering my mouth from shouting~

~I was so scared that I tried multiple times to escape ,but he was too strong~

~I kept moving and screamed inside~

J-hope: Ugh stop it Y/n! It's no use!

~My eyes got teary as I kept hitting him to get free from his grip~

~I hit his torso with my knee making him groan in pain~

~He got annoyed and slapped me really hard causing me to fall down on my knees~

~He grabbed my hair and slapped me again while bringing me near to his face~


~I got so scared and closed my eyes ,but then I felt myself light and not being grabbed anymore as I opened my eyes and saw... Jungkoook?~

~He was hitting J-hope multiple times and he fell unconcious on the ground~

~I looked at J-hope for some second and then looked up at Jungkook, who was still looking at J-hope's body~

~I looked at him and tears ran down my face as I immediately run into his hug~

Him? Or Him? |Completed|Where stories live. Discover now