Chapter 1

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Normal speech: "hello"
Thoughts: 'hello'
Yelling: "hello"
Special move "hello"

Narrator POV

The world a world full of super powers known as quirks, with heroes and villains fighting for what they believe in justice or chaos, which one will win but who cares about that let us go to the main hero of this story. Here we see a young man that is fourteen years of age.

Jake's POV
While I was walking down the road to go to school I see a giant villain  rampaging on the train tracks.

Jake: "What is that guy doing he is just making things harder for the rest of us."

I watched as heroes arrived to take care of it some people were yelled that it was Death Arms, The Punching Hero who stoped some metal from crashing  in an open street.
Jake:'wow what a fantastic hero name.'
Then a guy looking like a fire fighter went in front of people and cut them off from getting closer with water. It was the rescue specialist Backdraft some one mentioned with him that they would be okay.
Jake:'He is a rescue specialist not a stop everything that could harm you specialist.'
I also heard what started this whole ordeal the giant villain or everyday criminal got upset after stealing someone's bag. Like how lame can you get honestly. Then I got a slight headache as a group of girls shouted

Group of girls: Ahhh it's Kamui. Were you biggest fans.

He ran off to fight the villain jumping onto a light then on to the bridge with train tracks to fight the giant

Jake: 'well that didn't help with the headache.'

He was dodging vary well with his wood quirk flying around with it he's very fast for someone with a wood quirk. Some green haired kid was yelling and pointing saying.
Greenie: There it's his special move.
My first thought was that he was a fan boy but I got to admit he was right as Kamui started to say his move.
Kamui Woods: lacquered Chains Prison
I was happy thinking it was over but something felt off than a giant woman comes out of nowhere yelling.
Giant Woman: Canyon Cannon
While both moves sounded cool the woman's hit first sending the other giant flying. All the pros were in shock to say the least except Backdraft can't see his face so I don't know if he reacted much. A bunch of camera men came out and started to take pictures and I mean a LOT of camera men she also started to talk.
Giant Woman: piece of cake for the worlds next hottest hero. Hi there everyone I'm Mt. Lady pleasure to make your ass-quaintance.
I just stood their and thought 'really that's what you chose on your debut.' Kamui was a bit saddened by her getting all the attention as he stood their with his attack still in the air. As Mt. Lady shrunk to a normal size.
Jake:'What is her outfit made of to change size with her.' "Well I better get to school or I'll be late."
I accidentally said out loud as I was walking away.

(time skip till the end of school)

I got my mock test results came in today. I was happy to see that I did pretty good I got a ninety I thought that I still needed to study to get better. I looked out the window and saw smoke I was thinking that heroes would take care of it but my heart said a different story I got on my shoes and rushed to the scene.

(Time skip to the fire and smoke.)

I saw a kid in a slime villain I believe the slice villain could take over people, and use their quirks cause I think all the fire and explosions where the kids doing.
Jake:'wow explosions that's a pretty good quirk and flashy I guess that's one of the main factors in hero's nowadays.'
I saw some of the same hero's from earlier Death Arms and Kamui Woods we're both just standing there I guess they can't use their quirks that well against, the villain except Kamui couldn't he use his quirk to pull the kid out wait no he will just explode. Backdraft was putting out fires so he was too busy putting to try and do anything and Mt. Lady couldn't get into the alleyway I was thinking of using my quirk to help but that would be illegal for me to use my quirk. But my thoughts were interrupted but the heroes shouting at someone I saw the greenie from earlier rushing the villain. I was surprised and disappointed Surprised at his quick action and disappointed that I didn't do the same, even over some stupid law. I was wondering what quirk the greenie would use but to my surprise again he threw his bag at the mass of slime.
Jake:'It's a good distraction but what is his quirk he has to have a decent one to charge in their with no plan.'
But the greenie just tried to claw his friend out but he still wasn't doing anything else wait don't tell me he doesn't have a quirk. That's it that's why he threw his bag that was the only weapon he had. Than something hit Jake he sensed something powerful forming something had him shaking. He felt power being built up, then he saw something no someone he never thought he would ever see.
The number one hero was here and holy crap that power All Might raised his fist to the sky as it started to rain holy crap he changed the weather with a punch just a punch he was holding the other two so I breathed a sigh of relief. That the two were saved this made him more excited to go to U.A the different special moves he would see got him excited for it he then walked home with a smile on his face.
Jake: "oh yeah it's so time to train."

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